Cut it off?

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Oct 17, 2008
Well, unfortunately it looks like I'm going to have to cut off my CB-3000. So Sad.

Just a week ago I was so excited, as I'd finally found a keyholder. Then this week, in a moment of weakness, I had a bit of a panic attack from a lack of sleep, and got a bit insolent. I haven't been chaste this long in over 30 years, and it certainly affected my sleep.

I think I've worked through it now, having slept better the last couple of nights. However, now my Keyholder is not responding to texts or emails, or answering the phone when I call. I know it is in large part my fault, but it looks like a failed relationship. If I don't hear something by this afternoon I will have to cut the damned thing off.

So sad!
So Sad

Thank you for your concern MW. I do appreciate it.

Unfortunately I don't think she is out of town or engaged in an emergency. Besides even in such circumstances she has her cell phone.

It would have to be a pretty severe emergency since I told her I was not doing well, and since she knows I have no spare key.
I wouldn't do that if I were you. This could be a test. It's certainly punishment. Key holders can be hard to find. Good ones even harder. My guess is this is a test for you. I suggest you send a text, e-mail, voice message or all begging for forgiveness and your willingness to accept punishment.
Not too long after mistress Julie locked me up a similar situation happened to me. She waited for my groveling and got it. The punishment that I endured to get her to return was some of the worst I've ever experienced. My ass was red for a week.
But, if you do need to remove your CB, use a dremmel cutting tool on the lock. CAREFULLY!!!! At least that way the CB stays intact.
How long has it been since you last spoke to her? i agree with imkink4u in that she could be testing you. i would wait at least a few weeks before caving in. How badly do you want a keyholder? If she is testing you, and you show impatience, disrespect, and a lack of loyalty so quickly, you may only get your key back.

Prove yourself worthy of her attention!

Good luck,
brianna :)
You'll need to get used to all aspects of lockup. 2 weeks ago, I had a "medical emergency". Without going into gory details, i needed minor cutting on the inside of my left thigh up near my balls. I requested release and was told either live with it, or deal with the doctor as you are. The pain was so bad, I dealt with the doctor. Shannon. Lowered my jeans, unhooked the garters and removed the left stocking so she could do what was needed. CB obvious in my black satin panties. Her and the nurse smiled a little but never said a word. If they do, remind them who's paying the bill!!!
I am not sure whether i should agree with brianna and imkink4u too quickly. I think there's not enough inout about Y/your relationship to make a decision ...

Online keyholding is quite a special kind of relationship and you never really know who is at the other end of the cyberspace. She might be testing you but it is also possible that she was nothing but a fake ... I think a really reasonable Domme would start slowly. A week seemes a bit short to me to put you on this kind of test and provided she's not a fake she might not have much experiences in real life chastity ...

However, it looks like you are a bit panicking without having a real reason (my impression).

What i would suggest to leave the cb locked until there is really a serious reason for cutting it off.

Good luck

maid katrin

I agree with everyone else said, and am not saying you should or should not cut off your CB, but if you feel you must and are willing to deal with the consequences, I'd suggest cutting the pin as they are easy to cut and cheap to replace. Also be VERY careful if you do so.

In any case, good luck and I hope you work things out in a way that is right for you.

First - what is your communication agreement? If it's a test - it's a good strong one. If not, ... ?
Second - we have all been Houdini at some point and escaped accidently or on purpose.

Communication is the "key" to nay relationship. Work or sort it out. But cutting should be last resort.
I appreciate everyone's concern. Let me reply to some suggestions and answer a few questions you all raised.

First, I cannot go to the doctor wearing my CB. I have a security clearance to maintain and cannot have this in my medical record.

Our agreement was daily communication. I was to text and get a reply.

The keyholding is not online, although she is 80 miles away. I was to be allowed to visit at least on weekends, and sometimes during the week.

She has not replied to any communication this weekend and naturally no visit. I believe she has not lived up to her end of our bargain, and I am concerned.
LittleChasteGuy said:
I appreciate everyone's concern. Let me reply to some suggestions and answer a few questions you all raised.

First, I cannot go to the doctor wearing my CB. I have a security clearance to maintain and cannot have this in my medical record.

Our agreement was daily communication. I was to text and get a reply.

The keyholding is not online, although she is 80 miles away. I was to be allowed to visit at least on weekends, and sometimes during the week.

She has not replied to any communication this weekend and naturally no visit. I believe she has not lived up to her end of our bargain, and I am concerned.

ChasteGuy, set a date when you absolutely have no choice but to cut it off. In other words, wait as long as possible, and if something comes up in which it's vital to US National Security that you can't be wearing a CB, then remove it that day. If you are unconcerned with the device so much so that you are willing to give up already, then that is no reason to try to save it. i mean, you can get out of that within two minutes in a pinch (no pun intended), so it's a non-issue. My point was to wait as long as you can, then you will always be able to hold your head high IF it WAS a test.

i don't see the problem with this.

Good luck,
brianna :)
I apologize for my slow response.. for the record..I would like to say this about kurt.. he gave me the key on Friday night.. on Wednesday we had planned to meet at my go buy him a proper uniform, before wednesday could even arrive..he told me that he dedcied it would be removed so he could relieve himself. When on wednesday I had to drive myself to the urgent care..for a breathing treatment..and severe bronchitis..he demanded to drive here anyway so he could relieve himself and concern for my there anything you need.. he demanded release..which I hadn't agreed to..anyway. he then demanded to have release everyday after that..texting me ever 10 mins..all day..everyday. He then started with the "I have to take my daughter to visit colleges..and I have to have release so I can think" still no offer to help..or ask if I needed anything. after an all day texting..he finally apologized for being so upset.. but then started talking about cutting it off.. He was told on friday that I would not punish by spankings and such..he would be ignored..not talked with...that's when he started texting every 5 the point that the fellow Domme I had staying the weekend..was ready to strangle him. She also read every text that he sent. He proceeded to cut it off..sent a text asking what was next..that he was ready for another lock..and ready for the extreme punishment he felt he deserved.

In my opinion..he is looking for someone to do as he wants..when he wants it done..with the excitement of having someone watch while he whanks off..then lock him back into his chastity.. He isn't looking for a real Domme/sub chastity relationship.. I wish him luck in finding someone.
Daily communication..not all were also given a time frame that I expected you to stay locked.. you didn't have a doctor appointment..nor did you have a reason to go to the ER. you wanted to relieve yourself. There wasn't any communication on Saturday..because of the ultimatum you gave..demanding your wants.

Unfortunately..for you.. I shared every text with a few Dommes attending the BR mardi gras..yours and my replies.. btw..the mardi gras that I had invited you to attend with me..and received no answer..until Friday..when you decided it was a way to get to relieve yourself.. after reading the texts..the ladies commented that they would toss you..that you were a controlling person..only wanting someone to give you more excitement.
Hello LdyCarlie. Thank you for sharing your side. While i'm sure i don't know more about this particular situation, past experience about how many males deal with their own selfish needs causes me to believe your side of the story more than his.

There are so many more subs out there. It's unfortunate, but move on and hopefully you will find another more worthy of your attention.

Hope this finds you doing better, and breathing better.

brianna :)

LdyCarlie said:
I apologize for my slow response.. for the record..I would like to say this about kurt.. he gave me the key on Friday night.. on Wednesday we had planned to meet at my go buy him a proper uniform, before wednesday could even arrive..he told me that he dedcied it would be removed so he could relieve himself. When on wednesday I had to drive myself to the urgent care..for a breathing treatment..and severe bronchitis..he demanded to drive here anyway so he could relieve himself and concern for my there anything you need.. he demanded release..which I hadn't agreed to..anyway. he then demanded to have release everyday after that..texting me ever 10 mins..all day..everyday. He then started with the "I have to take my daughter to visit colleges..and I have to have release so I can think" still no offer to help..or ask if I needed anything. after an all day texting..he finally apologized for being so upset.. but then started talking about cutting it off.. He was told on friday that I would not punish by spankings and such..he would be ignored..not talked with...that's when he started texting every 5 the point that the fellow Domme I had staying the weekend..was ready to strangle him. She also read every text that he sent. He proceeded to cut it off..sent a text asking what was next..that he was ready for another lock..and ready for the extreme punishment he felt he deserved.

In my opinion..he is looking for someone to do as he wants..when he wants it done..with the excitement of having someone watch while he whanks off..then lock him back into his chastity.. He isn't looking for a real Domme/sub chastity relationship.. I wish him luck in finding someone.

Thank you for your kindness..I am feeling much better.. Also..I already own a wonderful sissymaid..her name is Ladylionzsissy on here..and I am sure I will find another that deserves my attention.. one that is worthy. I really do wish kurt well..and hope he finds someone that will do as he wishes.. he just wasn't truly interested in a real keyholder.

LdyCarlie said:
When on wednesday I had to drive myself to the urgent care..for a breathing treatment..and severe bronchitis..

What an ordeal You have been through with Your sub and Your health at the same time, LdyCarlie! Dollyanne had to take her spouse to urgent care recently with severe bronchitis and she got an inhaler, some antibiotics, and a cough medicine with codeine. The later was very hard to get, but the doctor was finally persuaded, and it helped her get rid of the problem in just a few days. None of the over-the-counter cough medicines worked at all and dollyanne's spouse was miserable the whole time she was suffering, so dollyanne has some sense of what You were going through and it certainly isn't fun!

Dollyanne hopes You are feeling better, LdyCarlie, and have been able to get good treatment!:anim_48:

Good morning LdyCarlie, what an interesting turn of events!

I hope you are feeling much better.

I guess if this is the first time LittleChasteGuy has experienced being locked up, and it was at a distance, there may have been good reason for his panic! Having said that repetative texting beyond the verge of stalking is not acceptable in any relationship!

Possibly a case of fantasy and reality being far from compatible!

Be well. :anim_25:
Boy am I glad I never had to look for a keyholder. I married one as it turns out :anim_19:
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