Erotica 08 (London Olympia) Need Info/Advice Please


Senior Member
Jul 1, 2008
Hi all,

We're going to Erotica 08!! :anim_19:

Not only that, but we're going to the ball/party ( ) on the Saturday night! :anim_19::anim_19:

The only think is, I simply don't have any idea what to expect/wear/do/say etc etc having never been to anything like this before!

I'm keen to hear from anyone who's been, or knows someone who has been as to what goes on.

This worried me a little....

Apparently, in the "Erotic Arabian Boudoir" area there is a "Play Area" & an "Erotic Chill Out"...

What goes on in the Play area that needs a chill out area too?

Dress Code

Enforced fantasy, glamour & erotic dress code, Venice carnival, masque ball, Eyes Wide Shut,James Bond tuxedo & film character, sexy glamour, Harem belly dance, boudoir lingerie, burlesque, cabaret, retro lounge, gangster suits, rat pack, Vegas showgirl, Moulin Rouge, top hat & tails, uniforms, medical drag, fetish, fantasy, etc.

All info welcome!
I've visited Erotica twice (The Exhibition) and looking back, what they sold was very tame compared to what I'm into these days! But it still freaks the Vanillas!

As for the Ball, it wasn't around then (04/05) so I haven't been. I've only heard comments on the Rubber Ball (look via SkinTwo) and that has apparently gone downhill in recent years because the people who attend just want to be "seen" rather than being actually players, and spend most of their time sat on the dungeon equipment than using it!

I would imagine MasterG has probably been and knows WAY more than me!

I'm sure you'll have a great time though, life is what you make it. Look out for the seedy old raincoat crowd who are there to look and fumble in their pockets!
Mistress Watchful said:
I've visited Erotica twice (The Exhibition) and looking back, what they sold was very tame compared to what I'm into these days! But it still freaks the Vanillas!

I think I still class us as fairly vanilla (in that we are still quite new to the whole scene).

Mistress Watchful said:
As for the Ball, it wasn't around then (04/05) so I haven't been. I've only heard comments on the Rubber Ball (look via SkinTwo) and that has apparently gone downhill in recent years because the people who attend just want to be "seen" rather than being actually players, and spend most of their time sat on the dungeon equipment than using it!

Do people go to actually use the equipment then??

I was wondering if the "Play area" they have listed is actually a place for folks to have sex?

Mistress Watchful said:
I would imagine MasterG has probably been and knows WAY more than me!

Come on MasterG, where are you!?

Mistress Watchful said:
I'm sure you'll have a great time though, life is what you make it. Look out for the seedy old raincoat crowd who are there to look and fumble in their pockets!

Oof-that sounds unpleasant. :confused0086:

Thanks for the info, I don't know how to feel about going now!
Don't be put off, just be aware!

As far as I know, people don't have sex at such events, they just discipline their subs. The whole atmosphere is said to be very safe and welcoming and people don't touch without permission, and usually welcome people watching.

It will be fun, I promise! Just be aware that lots of people at many levels will be there... those that just want to ogle and drool, those that want to look and respect, and those that want to play.

BTW - the ogle/droolers don't usually bother to make the effort to dress up, so they won't get into the Ball!

Have fun, it'll be wonderful.

Which day are you going on to the Exhibition? If I can get a babysitter I might drag pet along for a bit of "out of the house" fun.
Mistress Watchful said:
Don't be put off, just be aware!

I will, thanks.

Mistress Watchful said:
As far as I know, people don't have sex at such events, they just discipline their subs.

Pardon my n00bness, but what do you mean by that (I told you we were new to this scene!)?

Mistress Watchful said:
The whole atmosphere is said to be very safe and welcoming and people don't touch without permission, and usually welcome people watching.

So people come up and ask if they can touch you/your wife/partner etc?

Mistress Watchful said:
It will be fun, I promise! Just be aware that lots of people at many levels will be there... those that just want to ogle and drool, those that want to look and respect, and those that want to play.

I'm not sure what catagory we fall into (probably play I guess).

Mistress Watchful said:
BTW - the ogle/droolers don't usually bother to make the effort to dress up, so they won't get into the Ball!

Good point! :anim_19:

Mistress Watchful said:
Have fun, it'll be wonderful.

As I said, I'm a bit nervous as we've never been to anything like this before.

Mistress Watchful said:
Which day are you going on to the Exhibition? If I can get a babysitter I might drag pet along for a bit of "out of the house" fun.


Thanks for your help here, I do appreciate it.
Well the Erotica weekend is getting ever closer now-in fact, it's this weekend! :anim_19:

Wow I really can't wait, but in an "I have absolutely no idea what to expect" kind of way. :confused0086:

We're going to the show and the ball, so if anyone can offer any advice or experience from their own visits (especially about the ball) I'd really appreciate it.
And what are we doing this weekend? Becoming Godparents.

I can see me bringing that up at the reception aftwards... "oh yes, we should have been living it up at a Fetish Exhibition in London, but we decided that being Godparents was far more important.... " :animal0017:

Have fun. :animal0008:
I dont know anything about this place but I am sure wanting to hear of your experience when you return!!

Mistress Michelle
Hi there,

I've not been to the Erotica Ball, so can't comment for sure but if it's like other fetish nights like Club Rub etc then you can expect lots of people into a whole mix of fantasies in a very safe and respectful environment. I doubt people will approach you and proposition you, although it's not out of the question, but if they do then it's still your decision to do what you want to do - no one will pressure you I'm sure - and any propositions will likely come out of a conversation with someone rather than an out of the blue suggestion.

As for whether full sex is OK or not, again I'm not sure, however, if there are beds out then it's probably an indication that full sex is OK but I've only seen this in Germany.

As for what to wear - this is your chance to wear whatever you so desire, to push the boundaries and be as as outlandish as you wish. No matter what you wear there will always be people more, and less, dressed up than you, so there's no chance of feeling over- or under-dressed.

No need for you to worry - the whole point of nights like these are to let people into the kinkier side of things relax and do/say/wear what they want without having to worry... whether that's wearing a dress, using the equipment, or having just a drink at the bar, so let your hair down and indulge, or not - it's up to you.

Wishing you a very 'erotic ball' ...
Mistress Eva said:
Hi there,

I've not been to the Erotica Ball, so can't comment for sure but if it's like other fetish nights like Club Rub etc then you can expect lots of people into a whole mix of fantasies in a very safe and respectful environment. I doubt people will approach you and proposition you, although it's not out of the question, but if they do then it's still your decision to do what you want to do - no one will pressure you I'm sure - and any propositions will likely come out of a conversation with someone rather than an out of the blue suggestion.

As for whether full sex is OK or not, again I'm not sure, however, if there are beds out then it's probably an indication that full sex is OK but I've only seen this in Germany.

As for what to wear - this is your chance to wear whatever you so desire, to push the boundaries and be as as outlandish as you wish. No matter what you wear there will always be people more, and less, dressed up than you, so there's no chance of feeling over- or under-dressed.

No need for you to worry - the whole point of nights like these are to let people into the kinkier side of things relax and do/say/wear what they want without having to worry... whether that's wearing a dress, using the equipment, or having just a drink at the bar, so let your hair down and indulge, or not - it's up to you.

Wishing you a very 'erotic ball' ...

That's all good an reassuring, thank you. :)
Having introduced myself in the appropriate section, I now feel partly qualified to make comment.
I arrived in London on Sunday morning to a freezing and drizzly day. YUK, I hate London in winter!!!
I had previously seen on here that the Erotica2008 was on and realised that I would be arriving on the last day.
I walked to the Olympia, only about half an hour from my hotel, as the fresh air would be good after being cooped up in an aluminium tube for 14 hours.
On arrival, lots and lots of people lined up for entry.
Most all seemed to be "normal' people. Perhaps not the right word to use in the UK, but they were all just coming in off the street and dressed in everyday clothes.
Getting in was an exercise in financial exploitation.
25 quid, just to walk in the door, $50 to me, but hey that might be normal in the UK where it costs $25 to see a movie.
A large number of "stalls" selling every imaginable item of even vaguely sexual clothing at what seemed to me to be way trumped up prices.
Please don't think me cynical, although I probably am, it's just the way I see it.
I see the world as full of opportunists and profiteers and anything which has the word sex even vaguely attached to it commands maximum price.
Nevertheless I found the whole exercise to be quite a non event.
Perhaps if I had attended in the company of a partner (if I had one) or even just another friend, my experience would have been different.
Also to my knowledge there were no "untoward" happenings, ie no sex or public nudity, which were expressly banned. Not even a bare titty, although some were pushed out of all proportion within their confines.
After 2 hours I left somewhat disappointed and got soaked in a downpour on the way back to my hotel.
After a bottle of wine from Waitrose (supermarket) I felt much better
I know this doesn't help much, but it is perhaps in line with Mistress Watchful's previous comments.
Hopefully others who attended had more fun and especially I hope that they enjoyed the ball on the Saturday night.
Cheers all
Very nice realistic description, michelle! Some of the events dollyanne has attended in the U.S. that fall under the heading of "Adult Trade Show" fit your description quite well--a lot of "ordinary" people (maybe "perverted" people anyway), and outrageous prices. One difference is that some of the events in the U.S. are a bit more risque to the extent they are allowed, with occasional flashing to the cameras, and there are often some pretty interesting give-aways. Dollyanne has even gotten some sexy video tapes and previews free!

But, for the most part, it is like you describe. The after parties may be quite different though. It's too bad you weren't able to attend and give us a report on that too. Your writing is enjoyable to read!

Thank you for your comments michelle.

pet and I read the reviews and were surprised at just how "vanilla" the show appeared to become... no Torture Garden displays? No strip club? What's going on?!

My theory was that over the past few years, Erotica has become "popular" and unfortunately that means that Joe Public turned up in droves... The Fetterati didn't like this, so they added the Ball, for the "proper" S&M scene, for those who "really" play.

Of course this means that Joe Public pay a huge fee to see (what they think) is really really kinky, and the S&M crowd get to party at the Ball.

Was the Rubber Ball held this year? Apparently that has lost its sparkle too. Damn Joe Public! :animal0017:

Oh, on the dressing theme... I wore a PVC black and red body with boots and fishnet stockings and didn't feel out of place when I went a few years back!!!
Mmm my sub and I were looking at the advert for this a few months ago and we were debating as to whether to go or not. If you could let us know what your thoughts are on this once you have been I would appreciate it.