Guests of the Mansion

Mistress Michelle

Magical Mistress
May 17, 2008
I am curious.....why is it that there are so many guests?? Are you afraid of joining this wonderful site?? Just passing thru out of boredom of the given day?? Lazy? Scared? I notice all the time that there are not just a few guests, but lots of you....lurking around, reading, and possibly day dreaming of joining but dont. Why is that? I know you can read this post, you cant answer it but you can read it....hummm....thats kinda like being gaged isnt it LOL you can read but cant answer!! :bondage:
Shame though, this is such a WONDERFUL site but you dont want to be a part of it....At any rate, I thought I would just say hello to all the ones hiding behind thier 'guest' status and invite you to join us, out in the open! :sex020:

Mistress Michelle :sex020:
Mistress Michelle:

Speaking for myself only,...

I developed an interest in Chastity around 2004. It was in May of this year that I got my piercing for the Lori tube ordered.

For me it was a series of "baby steps" before I came "out" so to say.

And now I'm both wondering and scared as to how far it will go. (The tube I ordered can be made permenant with a little JB weld or epoxy, or by simply destroying the keys.) -- Lori tube -- #4, curved, hooded.

So Mistress Michelle,... maybe babysteps are understandable... and keeping anonymous is an easy way to slowly enter into the path.

Hello Keys4Tiffany and everyone else. While I certainly understand the hesitation on coming out please keep in mind the beauty of creating an alias here is that you keep your personal identity private. I agree with Mistress Michelle, regardless of how new you are or how nervous you are sign up, introduce yourself, and participate. You might just have something we can all learn from and you are certain to meet and gain new friends to help you along the way!!!
I know from my experience I felt instantly safe and welcome on this site. I think I was a member for only a few days before I started posting and actively participating in the forum.

You only have to read my diary and see my pics to realise how secure I believe this site is. I wouldn’t give this much away on any other site.

Any guests are welcome. Don’t be afraid to say hello.

I'll bet the same "guests" are showing up over and over. Attracted here like a moth to flame but too afraid of their own desires to participate. It's not a problem with the site - they just need encouragement of the right form....

Miss D - your reply suggests you think most of the 'lurkers' are men but I 'lurked' myself - here & elsewhere - for a while trying to get my head around what it was all about. I also think this is the best site for women and generally for anyone new to chastity.

As has been said, members can protect their identities but I think, for some of us, it's also about first deciding if you're going to 'give it a go' and then about growing in confidence to the point where you feel happy sharing experiences and seeking advice.

I'm only 4 months or so into it myself and I wouldn't say that I was supremely confident about it all yet but I have tried things that a few months ago I wouldn't have believed I would and it seems to evolve as you go along. Getting advice from others has been really helpful - I think it then takes a while to progress to the stage where you feel comfortable enough to participate fully & offer advice to others.
Dollyanne wonders if some of the "guests" are actually members who just haven't logged in. Dolly has been guilty of making a quick check of the site sometimes to see if there are new posts without logging in. Are there other members who do this? If so, that might account for at least some of them.

Curtsies and Huggs,
Dear Mistress Kate,....

Thank you for your words of wisdom. There is a love interest in my life, and if things work out,... obviously I'll have to at least approach the subject of her having a 100% faithful boyfriend,... and letting me know that you, as a woman, felt comfortable here,... does give me compass, good guidance.

--dar (still waiting for the Lori tube)