

Junior Member
Feb 13, 2009
I've been lurking here a bit, and finally registered a few days ago. I guess introductions are now in order. :)

I'm 33, live in Wisconsin. And i'll admit, i'm fairly new to the idea of wearing a chastity device. In fact, I have one on order(Birdlock), and hopefully will be recieving it in the next week or so.

I do have a question though, that maybe someone here could help me with. I have tried to search for the answer on the web, but have come up short. My google-fu is weak. :D

So, my question is, what should a beginner know? I'm fairly certain I just can't put it on, and then forget about it. As a new user, what do I have to look for(signs of danger?), what should I expect? The ultimate goal is to wear it 24/7. The short term goal is to just wear it during the day when the wife isn't home. Do I start out wearing it just a few hours? Should it be painful at first? ETC.

Thanks in advance!
Welcome :-)

You should expect it'll take some time to get used to. Also, it's a good idea to keep in mind that no chastity device works perfectly for everyone, so don't be devastated if the birdlock isn't the right one for you. Finding the right device is a journey, and you're taking the first steps.

As you get used to the device, you can expect chaffing, and also painful nocturnal erections. You'll learn to deal with both in your own ways... more or less lubrication... changes in tighness of undergarments... learning to pee early and often before bed, and in the night.

Best of luck as you get started, and feel free to holler out with questions!

Welcome to the site. I would agree with everything Mike said. Watch out for cold blue balls, could mean you're wearing a ring which is too small.
Thanks guys. :)

And I am worried that the ring might be too small. Hopefully not.
welcome and good luck.
I do have to ask, is your wife aware of what you are doing? i only ask because you wrote something to the effect of starting with it only when she is out.
If she is not aware, I highly recommend you talk to her, and show mistress watchful's early blog thread. My wife found it interesting but as usual lost interest since it was too many words.
I have purchased mine with my wife/madam's full consent and enjoyment. It was originally my idea, but now she enjoys knowing I am wearing it more than I do.
Wisone said:
I've been lurking here a bit, and finally registered a few days ago. I guess introductions are now in order. :)

I'm 33, live in Wisconsin. And i'll admit, i'm fairly new to the idea of wearing a chastity device. In fact, I have one on order(Birdlock), and hopefully will be recieving it in the next week or so.

I do have a question though, that maybe someone here could help me with. I have tried to search for the answer on the web, but have come up short. My google-fu is weak. :D

So, my question is, what should a beginner know? I'm fairly certain I just can't put it on, and then forget about it. As a new user, what do I have to look for(signs of danger?), what should I expect? The ultimate goal is to wear it 24/7. The short term goal is to just wear it during the day when the wife isn't home. Do I start out wearing it just a few hours? Should it be painful at first? ETC.

Thanks in advance!

:welcome: Wisone! Few of us have experience with the birdlock, but some things might be similar. One is the possible chaffing around the testicles from the ring. Dollyanne prepared herself for this by wearing hair scrunchies before getting the chastity. At first, they chaffed a lot, then dolly got used to them. This probably made it a little easier when the chastity arrived. You might consider wearing something like that, or some kind of ring while waiting for your birdlock to arrive.

Also, check the device for any sharp points or flaws that may have to be removed. The cb-2000 had to be sanded in several places. This may not be a problem for the birdlock.

The other problem you might have is simply getting the device on. Dolly believes the birdlock may be even more difficult than the cb-2000 in that regard. What dolly did (and still does) is to prepare a hot bubble bath beforehand. This stretches the tessies and makes sure they are loose and on the outside. Then insert each tessie one at a time. Dolly puts them through at a angle--it seems easier that way--then concentrates hard to reduce her peenie size and presses it down and under the ring.

It's possible you may also need to lubricate the inside of the birdlock, though dollyanne isn't sure about that, or what kind of lube to use. You might check with the birdlock folks.

Dolly found that she did need to use baby oil gel on her tessies and thighs where they rub. It's possible this may help you also, as the tessies are out constantly and can rub.

As far as cleaning, dolly found that it was easier with a handheld power shower! So, dolly replaced her fixed shower head with one. (It's great for teasing too in the "massage" mode.)

As far as erections go, everyone seems to be different. Dollyanne has a "compact" clitty, so did not have a problem with nightly erections. However, if you are a grower and get large, this may be a problem for you at first. It does seem over time that the peenie adjusts itself to the space, getting to the end and automatically stopping. But, as dolly said, your mileage may vary!

You can see more of dollyanne's experience in her journal in the Vault. Since there is so much interest here in the birdlock, dolly suggests you might also consider starting a journal from the beginning with your experience with it! (Which one did you get--standard, mini, phosphorescent?)

Hope this helps!

sub4madam said:
welcome and good luck.
I do have to ask, is your wife aware of what you are doing? i only ask because you wrote something to the effect of starting with it only when she is out.
If she is not aware, I highly recommend you talk to her, and show mistress watchful's early blog thread. My wife found it interesting but as usual lost interest since it was too many words.
I have purchased mine with my wife/madam's full consent and enjoyment. It was originally my idea, but now she enjoys knowing I am wearing it more than I do.

Actually, it's my wife's idea. :D

To put it bluntly, I have a habit of playing too much when i'm by myself, and there's been a few times when she was in the mood, and I wasn't, due to having played earlier in the day.
dollyanne said:
:welcome: Wisone! Few of us have experience with the birdlock, but some things might be similar. One is the possible chaffing around the testicles from the ring. Dollyanne prepared herself for this by wearing hair scrunchies before getting the chastity. At first, they chaffed a lot, then dolly got used to them. This probably made it a little easier when the chastity arrived. You might consider wearing something like that, or some kind of ring while waiting for your birdlock to arrive.

Also, check the device for any sharp points or flaws that may have to be removed. The cb-2000 had to be sanded in several places. This may not be a problem for the birdlock.

The other problem you might have is simply getting the device on. Dolly believes the birdlock may be even more difficult than the cb-2000 in that regard. What dolly did (and still does) is to prepare a hot bubble bath beforehand. This stretches the tessies and makes sure they are loose and on the outside. Then insert each tessie one at a time. Dolly puts them through at a angle--it seems easier that way--then concentrates hard to reduce her peenie size and presses it down and under the ring.

It's possible you may also need to lubricate the inside of the birdlock, though dollyanne isn't sure about that, or what kind of lube to use. You might check with the birdlock folks.

Dolly found that she did need to use baby oil gel on her tessies and thighs where they rub. It's possible this may help you also, as the tessies are out constantly and can rub.

As far as cleaning, dolly found that it was easier with a handheld power shower! So, dolly replaced her fixed shower head with one. (It's great for teasing too in the "massage" mode.)

As far as erections go, everyone seems to be different. Dollyanne has a "compact" clitty, so did not have a problem with nightly erections. However, if you are a grower and get large, this may be a problem for you at first. It does seem over time that the peenie adjusts itself to the space, getting to the end and automatically stopping. But, as dolly said, your mileage may vary!

You can see more of dollyanne's experience in her journal in the Vault. Since there is so much interest here in the birdlock, dolly suggests you might also consider starting a journal from the beginning with your experience with it! (Which one did you get--standard, mini, phosphorescent?)

Hope this helps!


Thanks dollyanne. I had originally considered the cb2000, but had read of some of the issues it had. I was then going to go with either the cb3000 or the cb6000, but then I heard about the birdlock. I haven't been able to find many reviews of it, but the silicone nature of it really appealed to me.

I do anticipate having some problems getting it on at first, but I expect with time I should get the process down. I ordered the standard. I'm not too concerned with length, but I think I might run into problems with girth. I guess time will tell. :)
Wisone said:
Actually, it's my wife's idea. :D

To put it bluntly, I have a habit of playing too much when i'm by myself, and there's been a few times when she was in the mood, and I wasn't, due to having played earlier in the day.

that's the same reason my wife likes it too.

just also be aware that she may end up hornier, and a bit more dominant. my wife/madam certainly has.
sub4madam said:
that's the same reason my wife likes it too.

just also be aware that she may end up hornier, and a bit more dominant. my wife/madam certainly has.

That would be great, if she ended up a bit more dominant. :)
Welcome to the mansion..

Eventhough I'm not familiar with the device you're having, here is some point's what I have learned:

- Chaffing, it will come and it will usually start hurting eventually. Best way to prevent this is to shave you privates where the belt will touch. This of course will cause some irritation at start if you haven't shaved earlier, btw. your KH will just love the new look. After shave use some oil/cream to ease the irritation. Wouldn't suggest aftershave, but if you wanna try, give it try :)

- Like mikecb said, the morning hard-on's can be a difficult one's and you just need to learn to handle those. Watch what you're drinking, keep sure that you're "all good" in the evening. Or just learn to wake up around 6am like I do =).

- Slips, not sure about birdlocked, but in the cb-xk series you can wear a too loose a-ring which gives the opportunity for one of your testicles to slip out from the a-ring. Feels akward but it's not a problem it self.

- Blue balls, if your "sacks" are too tight and seems that they're just going to pop out, check that you're not keeping it too tight. Ideal situation is when your sacks are "hanging freely" but weather, temperature can very easily effect in this, if those are too tight up, give a break. Getting comfortable with cb's take's a while. I think that I got comfortable after 1-1 months.

- Lubricant, once again. Use it, I personally use baby-oil, seems to be best for me. Once a day is not good enough, always when you feel that you're getting dry or "normal" on that area informs you that you need some lubrication. Your testicles will keep moving eventhough you wouldn't want them to, so give em a possibility. Prepare to carry a small bottle of lubricant with you if you're using it 24/7. (Your KH prob. have some used empty "beauty-bottle" which you can start using for your help).

- Pain, if you feel in any situation that you're not ok with the device, remove it. Some pain is for a real deal, some is just needing to adjust with it, you and only you know best how your body feels.

- Key, at start I'd suggest that you keep a spare key with yourself all the time, just in case of emergencies. You can ask for your KH to sign it in paper and staple/tape or what ever to make it sure that you haven't cheated. That way you can keep your key in wallet or somewhere if you really need to get out.

Finally, you will be in Chastity, that will not be the same as you've fantasied, it will not change your KH to be the "domme you're wishing in your dreams". It will take time and in some point after discussions between you two, it can be that but this isnt the silver bullet for that.

Happy chastity for you and welcome once again!