It's Here!

Mistress Watchful

Dont believe the hype ;oP
May 11, 2008
We thought it was lost in transit, but it arrived this morning...

...our beautiful Lori #9!

It is stunning, totally awesome, I love it!

I just hope it fits! It looks like it's going to be ok, but you don't know until you've tried it!

I'm so excited!

congrats :wink: now pets fun really starts huh :xd: cant wait to hear how it fits.
I have a N#6 PA.a good chatity device but heavy to wear.The weight is too important for a confortable wearing.The bulge is also not very beautifull when you have a nice sissy pants...
No problem with a diaper:angel: !!!!
Good testing.
One of things I dislike about the CB range is... it's plastic.

In my mind plastic is... well... cheap. You just can't been good hard metal if you want something secure.
I hope the sites catch phrase does not catch him out... lol

then again.... * giggles *
The worst thing about it turning up today, Saturday, is that the house is full of kids!!!! Argh!

It was commented on by pet that today I've had the biggest smile he's seen on my face for a while, and I must admit I am wandering round feeling a little smug. :xd:

Hopefully we can bribe the kids into an early night and get on with a proper fitting!
Hopefully we can bribe the kids into an early night and get on with a proper fitting!

Pics! We will want Pics!!!!! :xd:
Congrats !! Be careful what you wish for...indeed !

Lots of pictures please.

We're off to bed... pet has worn the device for a few hours now.

First impressions?

It's more visible than I had imagined, but with the aid of my Bridget Jones hold-it-all-in knickers, we have solved that problem.

It seems to be a little bit too long. I have encouraged pet to give it a couple of days on and off to see how it goes, but it looks like it will be going back for slight adjustments.

I'm not too disappointed, it's a beautiful device and once perfected will be great for long term wear.

Thanks for all the well wishes, we will try and get pics up asap so you can give us some more feedback. :xd:
Hi i know just what you mean about the weight about that device, when i received mine it weighted 535 grams far to much to make it wearable in the long term i managed to reduce that weight to well below half as can be seen in some of my photos and it is now perfectly Ok for 24/7 wear.
To get that much weight off i drilled it full of holes and also ground the material thickness down where ever possible, using a linisher and a course belt made it a relatively easy task, i also bent the ring just a small amount as it caused aberrations on the underside of my clitty the final result is a much more wearable device and therefor better device :angel:
That's awesome news Mistress Watchful! I know you've been waiting and waiting. I can't wait to hear how it goes.

Have a FUN week,

I am delighted for you that it has arrived!

I hope it is all you wanted it to be.

I hope you have brilliant fun with it & if you need any help with teasing & tormenting pet I would be delighted to assist
Congrats, hopefully it fits well and that will bring another smile from You. let us know how it progresses.


I am Sooooooooooo0000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


(hope it adjusts oK)

Loris :bigsmile: :tongue: :ooh: :bigsmile::bigsmile::bigsmile:
"We thought it was lost in transit, but it arrived this morning..."

Wow.. I'm glad it turned up! I'm sorry to hear that it isn't a perfect fit, but you already know my experience with that (I'm actually just putting mine in the post today to go back and be modified!)

Still.. think about it like this. When you get it back, and it fits absolutely perfectly [evilgrin] :smile:

To mistress watchfuls pet. I have no sympathy for you :wink:
So begins a new phase for charlotte and You, Mistress Watchful! The transformation of both of you should be exciting to watch. It's amazing that You took such detailed care with measurements, including discussions with Mistress Lori, and still, the device needs adjustment! Chastity seems so difficult to get right the first time! But, dollyanne truly admires Your sticktoitiveness and charlotte's courage to do this. Congratulations to both of you!

Thanks everyone.

It definately needs adjusting. I think I read somewhere that someone said the measurements don't make allowance for the cock ring and hinge part, and looking at our it would seem this is where the extra length is.

As I've said, I'm not disappointed. The rest of the device is beyond my expectations, it truly is a work of art. Once we have remeasured, taken photos and spoken to Ms Lori and asked for her advice I'm sure it will be perfect after adjustment.

I definately see this being ok for long-term wear. The only problem we had was that it seemed quite visible, but (pet will hate me for this...) pet has put on a little weight in the past few months, so his trousers (pants!) are a little tight anyway, probably making it more obvious.

In the meantime, tight girdle panties sorted the problem out, and I think once it is a little shorter it won't be so obvious anyway.

I'm still smiling anyway! :bigsmile:
It's the problems with the Lori tube....In first (for me) the weight and second ,the discretion.For a real man people say : oh big bulge....!!!! with desire:angel:
But for a sissy ,it's not very beautiful under a little sissypant.With a tight pant the Lori tube is often unconfortable but "it's the game"!!!
I think that the ideal chastity device must be invent.
Sorry for my bad english.....I'm a french sissy.
Loris are excellent, but the smaller and less fancy the better - IMO. If long term wear is the goal then its important that it is discreet. Ms Watchful if the money side is no object, then perhaps ordering a smaller device might be the way to go? The ordering time will be the same or even quicker cos you dont have to return? Just a thought...
Noooo... I *love* the one I chose! As far as Ms Lori was concerned it was the one that offered the most security, which was most important to me, and I also preferred the look of the #9.

If pet has to wear certain clothes and undergarments then so be it... let's face it, with his cock wrapped in metal, clothing is the least of his worries! :angel: