Mistress.K & gabby's chastity adventures


Lets try this all again
Feb 23, 2009

I made my introductions here a couple of days ago.. so on talks with Mistress.K, I am starting a 'thoughts and feelings' series of posts here.

We have bought a device! Due to living in New Zealand, we decided to shop local (recession and all!), and purchased a Phoenix Guardian. Personally i was after the Sapphire, due to being what the marketers call an 'innovator', but alas, it's not out yet! So the guardian it is.. Got an email on Friday saying it had been sent.. but unfortunately, NZ post/couriers are not the most reliable.. so I'm expecting it tomorrow (Monday).

But.. I'm scared! not that i'll get locked up and used for my Mistress Wife's pleasure.. no it's worse than that..... I'm scared i won't fit!

Now it's gonna sound like i'm bragging... I'm really not.. but unfortunately, I'm quite well endowed. I always had my doubts about this, however, i do recall the time at school, when in changing rooms for swimming and this one other boy saying "wow, you have a huge one".. at a young age, and for me, i wasn't the most confident.. it was sole destroying.. once more, i didn't fit it..

You'd think i'd be happy about it.. I AM... but... I've been looking at pictures, and now i'm worried... the devices look small.. and all i want to do is let my Mistress click on the lock and make me work to get out of it!

Okies.. now i sound like a prize jerk.. please stop in and say hi.. Mistress.K will be reading this too (she may even add some thoughts and feelings too), so feel free to say hi to her as well.. she's lovely.. best thing ever to happen to me.. hence why I want her to further own me.

I'll post tomorrow about my device.. fingers crossed that it's good news, like that it fits!

I'm really hoping the device fits... I am so looking forward to seeing Gabby locked and wanting to please me in order to get a release.

This weekend Gabby has been locked in a device that encourages arousal. Gabby has not been allowed to touch himself without permission and just seeing him constantly aroused and submissive has been a real turn on. He has tried everything and done anything I wanted in order to get a release.
mistress.k said:
I'm really hoping the device fits... I am so looking forward to seeing Gabby locked and wanting to please me in order to get a release.

This weekend Gabby has been locked in a device that encourages arousal. Gabby has not been allowed to touch himself without permission and just seeing him constantly aroused and submissive has been a real turn on. He has tried everything and done anything I wanted in order to get a release.

This sounds like a deliciously excruciating situation Mistress K! Dollyanne is looking forward to hearing more! Out of curiosity, may dollyanne ask what kind of "arousal" device has Your gabby been locked in this weekend?


Best of luck with the fitting. As I've suggested before, getting a chastity device is often more of a "process" than an "event". Be prepared for Plan B if you need to, and don't get discouraged!

The good new is, if gabby is well endowed, he's likely to have good luck with the tube type devices. We "growers" can often pull out the back side. "showers" tend to be more secure in them.

If Mistress can squeeze you in, I suspect she'll be quite confident that her toy is secure! :party-073:

Best of luck!
Sorry dollyanne..

You'll get me answering this one.. Mistress.K is in the shower hehe..

It's a leather cock & ball holder, that has a ring at the top for a padlock. it has a 'plate' at the bottom of it to make sure everything is well supported.

Definately not for fulltime, as it can't go in shower, and it's not all that secure. However, if i did take it off.. I'd have a hard time getting it back in place and probably end up with a spanking or put into my naughty shoes or something.

If Mistress gives permission, i might take a photo and post it on here.

hope this sorta helps


dollyanne said:
This sounds like a deliciously excruciating situation Mistress K! Dollyanne is looking forward to hearing more! Out of curiosity, may dollyanne ask what kind of "arousal" device has Your gabby been locked in this weekend?


Yes, i remember a few comments about the hit-and-miss process.

So if i'm correct, you're basically saying that due to being a grower.. I may be in even more trouble?? :sad0147:

Well.. we'll soon find out.. it arrives today.. although it'll probably be something i'll have to pick up from the courier depot as I'm at a clients all day today... I may pop back at lunchtime on my bike to check.

Thanks Mike..

You've made me all scared and yet aroused at the same time..


mikecb said:
Best of luck with the fitting. As I've suggested before, getting a chastity device is often more of a "process" than an "event". Be prepared for Plan B if you need to, and don't get discouraged!

The good new is, if gabby is well endowed, he's likely to have good luck with the tube type devices. We "growers" can often pull out the back side. "showers" tend to be more secure in them.

If Mistress can squeeze you in, I suspect she'll be quite confident that her toy is secure! :party-073:

Best of luck!
to be real, what size do you start at and what do you grow to?
Personally I am average when at attention, but that is enough to keep Madam happy even though she has had larger. She says it has to do with technique :D

Mistress took up the challenge...

I'm 4-5 inches flaccid (depending on weather, etc), and 8 - 8 and a bit inches when hard (depending on what Mistress is doing to me)..

Hope that helps..


sub4madam said:
to be real, what size do you start at and what do you grow to?
Personally I am average when at attention, but that is enough to keep Madam happy even though she has had larger. She says it has to do with technique :D
Measurements that Sissy Gabby took were not accurate.. it would help if he actually measured himself!!

Will sort him out and will be back with the correct measurements!! :spankwhip:

Oh MY... did little gabby exaggerate a bit? If there is one part of your body that your Mistress is sure to know the dimensions of - it's your thingy. Pride cometh before a fall....

Miss D said:
Oh MY... did little gabby exaggerate a bit? If there is one part of your body that your Mistress is sure to know the dimensions of - it's your thingy. Pride cometh before a fall....


Well.. Not entirely... I'll let Mistress.K tell you the measurements we took again later that night.

Let's just say that she didn't think i was aroused enough on the first set of measurements.. so to rectify the situation, i was put into my naughty shoes, and put over her knee for a small paddling.. and eventually the right measurements were taken.

So here i am this morning.. drinking coffee and nursing a slightly tender backside. This sub has a tendency to just jump right in with things and probably not get them right the first time.

Mistress.K's little sissy gabby:cat:
(the above full title must be used while i'm in trouble, so that i know my place)
Hi gabby,
nice to read about your fitting ... correct measurements are essential for proper chastity but 8 inches? This clitty really needs to be kept under strict control :happy0007:


maid katrin

thought I better give an update to my purchase of the Phoenix Guardian. It arrived yesterday. Very prompt.

Unfortunately, and sometimes i hate it when i'm right, it was too small. :sad0002:
So on to email i went, and Phoenix have looked after me so well! So.. in a couple more days, a newer bigger device is on its way!

So far, my experience with Phoenix has been awesome. Communication has been very good, with feedback desired by the company as to their product.

I'll post a proper review once i'm fully locked in it, with a photo (with Mistress.K's approval). But I can say one thing, I've never seen a happier Mistress.K as when the package arrived. I almost wonder whether she was more dissapointed than me when it wasn't the right size?

Mistress.K's little sissy gabby:cat:
maid katrin said:
Hi gabby,
nice to read about your fitting ... correct measurements are essential for proper chastity but 8 inches? This clitty really needs to be kept under strict control :happy0007:


maid katrin

Thanks. Um.. your clitty or my clitty?

Mistress.K's little sissy gabby:cat:
Hi gabby, been a way for a bit but just wanted to say welcome to the journal section of the site!
Now, now, can we all get along? And NOT compare clitty size? Locked or not, gaffed or not - we take care of that as best we can. One rule with any of this is to go with what you think first is best first - go with the feeling - sissy intuition. If they are taking it back - that is wonderful.

Ms. K will sort things out and Miss D - caught the indiscretion.

When it's locked it really doesn't matter - unless it's release time (that didn't come out right).

Best to you gabby that you get the right fit and feel. :innocent0006::innocent0009:
Sissy_Aline said:
Now, now, can we all get along? And NOT compare clitty size? Locked or not, gaffed or not - we take care of that as best we can. One rule with any of this is to go with what you think first is best first - go with the feeling - sissy intuition. If they are taking it back - that is wonderful.

Ms. K will sort things out and Miss D - caught the indiscretion.

When it's locked it really doesn't matter - unless it's release time (that didn't come out right).

Best to you gabby that you get the right fit and feel. :innocent0006::innocent0009:

Thank you Sissy-Aline. I think you're right.. Miss D did catch me out, about the same time as Mistress.K! :confused0046: I think it may be in my best interest if i try keep those two separated (I'm just kidding.. like i have any control).

Yes, I'm very impressed with the company, that i purchased the device off.. So is Mistress.K. If anything, it was worth the look on her face when it arrived.. she looked like a kid in a candy shop, and i was the candy. in fact, I actually started to wonder what i had got myself in for!

xcitex2 said:
Hi gabby, been a way for a bit but just wanted to say welcome to the journal section of the site!

Thank you xcitex2.. I must say, Mistress.K was reading your entries earlier and saying how intrigued she was with your adventures..

I think i'm gonna love this site

maid katrin said:
Hehe, mine is under control for many years ... and just a tiny fraction of yours *blush* ... no, i definitely meant your clitty ...


maid katrin


thanks.. I'll give you a cyber hug... *hug*

Sissy Gabby when flaccid is 4.5 inches THAT he got right! When erect Gabby is 9.3 inches. I do believe that size is dependant on what you do to your sissy and what sub space they are in.

Although disappointed that the Phoneix did not contain him and I am happy that they are sending a bigger version of it for me to put on him. In the short time that Gabby was in it, I loved seeing him encased and locked. Its a real turn on for me, knowing that he can't touch it or play with it without my permission.

Is so exciting to be going down this road again, I can't believe how much I have missed playing. Its such an exciting journey that we are embarking on and I am looking forward to seeing Gabby's submissive side coming out over time and really looking forward to seeing a more attentive Gabby..
Sorry to hear the cage didn't fit, but glad to hear they're sending a new one. I think once you find a cage that'll hold that monster, you can be very sure it'll be secure! It's us 'lil guys who can wiggle out of the tube-type CBs.

I do hope gabby is enjoying his last days of freedom. I'm sure you have a lifetime of pleasure ahead, Mistress K.... unlike poor gabby! ;-p :anim_32:
Thanks to Mistress K, we now have the Correct measurements.... Clearly, gabby is quite the largish sissy and responds well to a good spanking... LOL.

It's going to take a bit of tucking to fit into panties.... pretty frilly ones...

Miss D said:
Thanks to Mistress K, we now have the Correct measurements.... Clearly, gabby is quite the largish sissy and responds well to a good spanking... LOL.

It's going to take a bit of tucking to fit into panties.... pretty frilly ones...


Have you been talking with Mistress.K? she's been telling me i need new panties, and due to the device, i might need to factor in the extra required.
