
Long term member
Jan 4, 2015
No more secrets: F/m self bondage, puppy play, cross dressing, anal, chastity, fantasy, outdoors

This is my fist time writing a story. I am not a good writer, but let me know your thoughts. This is just the first part I may or may not continue depending on feedback.

Hello my name is Bob Smith, I know a common name but the only reason I feel comfortable giving out my real name with the story that I am about to tell. My wife and I have been married for over 10 Years now. We met in High School and have been together ever since. We are both from a small town and as we were dating, neither one of us believed in sex before marriage she would sometimes find traces of something I left behind and forgot while being kinky. Most of the time she would not even mention it but a few times she even offered to help. Back then I was mainly just into bondage and mummification. So there was a few times she would help mummify me when our parents were gone and then give me a blow job or something.

Anyway after we got married that changed, She still knew I was kinky and honestly had no idea to what extent. She would occasionally tie me up in a way that I ask for and then we would have sex later. What I really wanted her to do was tease me and use me as her sex toy, not to do it just for me. Throughout the years I would slowly let her know of another kink and she would add that to what I ask her to do. I even one time bought a really nice and expensive leather straight jacket. It was a year or two later that I was in an adult store and found a chastity device. Chastity is what started my kink and fetish life as a young teenager reading stories online. So I was brave enough to buy it.

At this stage in our life I would usually wait until my wife was going to be gone and I would write her a note of what I was hoping for in this bondage session, then I would tie myself up for her to find me and the note when she got home. That way she could not say that she was not in the mood to tie me up, I had already done that to myself, I just had to hope that she would leave me tied for a while and tease me some before eventually having sex and ending the scene. This could have lasted for a few hours or a long weekend deepening on the occasion. But often it ended with her not in the “mood” and untying me either immediately or after an hour or so, no teasing, nothing

My wife made a comment a while ago after I mentioned something else I wanted to try. I wanted to be tied down to the bed with a ring gag in my mouth, Then I wanted her to give me a Blowjob and force me to eat my cum as she kisses me though the gag. I somehow brought up that I was embarrassed to tell her that but I wanted to try it, and if I expect her to taste/swallow it (Which she somehow got a big aversion to blowjobs after the first couple of years of marriage so I have not had a blow job in, probably 7 years) then I should be willing to try it. If I am tied where I cannot get away and have an open mouth gag in then I can’t change my mind after the orgasm like I would otherwise. Anyway my wife mentioned that she was sad I was ashamed to tell her that, She said I should not be ashamed to tell her anything. So I found a BDSM checklist online and filled it out honestly, that is one thing that I will show her this weekend. I also asked her to lock me in chastity before she left and to take the 2 keys with her, that way I would not be able to get out no matter what.

Now I am just plain tired of not sharing all my kinks with her. I have been scared how she would take it and if she would still accept me but I know without a doubt she loves me and if she does not know my kink then she cannot decide if she wants to make me happy by engaging in them. So I finally decided to just show her the rest of my kinks and I will do that this weekend. You see she is getting back from a trip to see her family on Monday and I have some use it or lose it vacation time so I plan to take Monday-Thursday but I took Friday as a possible day off. If I don’t show up on Friday it is not a big deal but I did not want to commit to using that much vacation until I see how my wife will react. I told the office we were going on a camping trip and would not have cell service, the weather turns questionable at the end of the week so I might come back Friday but will stay the weekend if the weather is good and be there next Monday for sure.

I have already been stockpiling things that I will need for this weekend for the last few months. Rather than give you a list of those things now I will just incorporate them into my story as they come up. We live out in the Southwest of the USA so there are no forest or anything like that to go hide and keep our weekend secret. We live in the desert which is wide open and there is not much around to hide from, but the good news is there are not nearly as many people that live in the desert as the numbers you find around wooded areas so I am hoping that I can stay hidden. Especially since this will be done during the weekday when most people are at work. Another benefit is that the weather is perfect in early spring to be outdoors and school is still in session so that is less people likely out and about in the desert playing around.

So while my wife is out of town I will get everything I need for our camping trip. After loading up the truck with all the kinky gear and the normal camping equipment and food etc I left this letter on our bed for my wife when she gets home:

“Hey Babe,

I am glad you are home safe and I hope you had a good time with your family. Sorry I am not here to be with you but I have a whole week of camping and other stuff planned for us. I am already camping now and the directions to my spot are in the office on my desk. So for tonight sleep here at the house and I will see you when you come out tomorrow!

I also packed up your camping cloths so you don’t need to bring anything except snacks for the ride here.

Love you and look forward to seeing you!


I left the house first light on Monday morning. I would have a full day and one night to set up before my wife shows up.

The Setup

I went to an old spot I knew of where I thought no one would want to go and it had a nice tree by it, the only one in sight! So I unloaded all the gear and started setting up the normal camping equipment first. Tent and bed, set up one camping chair, a shade gazebo, our tables, water supply etc.

Then came the big set up, but not before making lunch, my last meal as a free man for the next week. After lunch I took off all the cloths that I drove here with, leaving me in my chastity cage and nothing else. I put a big tent steak in the ground and parked my truck on top if it. I placed all my normal cloths in the truck including all my keys (truck, house, and all the keys to the locks I would using this weekend. Then I locked the truck door.

A 10 foot chain was attached to the steak my truck was parked on. I then placed a collar around my neck and locked it on. I took the other side of the chain and locked it to my collar with a large, heavy master lock. Now even if I did not go any further I was only able to move 10 feet from my truck and would remain naked at least until my wife comes tomorrow. I had bigger plans than that though so I started to keep going!

I bought a black latex bitch suit that zips in the back once your arms and legs are folded inside of it. I had it custom made so that it also had an anal condom sheath and a zipper that my penis and balls can stick out of. Before I stepped into that I first had to get a cage out of the back of my truck. The cage is a little bigger and stronger than a large dog cage. I also rigged the door so that it would lock whenever the door closed. And you guessed it the key to the cage is in my truck. I also had to get a large jug of water and hook that up to a watering device I made. The device is essentially a dildo I got off an old dildo gag. I drilled a hole down the middle and also some holes about half way up the shaft. The tube I fed into the dildo had a bite valve on it. I knew this would force me to half to put the dildo half way into my mouth not only to be able to bite down and open the valve, but also so the water would not run out of the other holes I drilled. My mouth had to cover all the holes if I wanted a drink. This might help my wife to see that I have a fantasy about being forced to suck a strap-on and even deep throat one in the future. She will see that fantasy on the BDSM checklist, but the fact that I made it so I have to suck on a dick in order to get a drink will let her know I am serious about it. After she gets here she will find me locked in my cage and at some point sucking on a dildo. She will eventually find out to get me out of the cage she has to let me out of the truck, but will she do that right away or wait a few hours or the next day?

Since Sunday I have been on a liquid diet and before I left Monday morning I gave myself several enemas until the water ran clear. Hopefully it will work that I won’t have to poop at all until after my wife gets here and gets me back on a solid food diet. Otherwise the anal condom sheath in the dog suit will not work as I have planned.

In the bottom of the cage I have a thick dog bed so that I will be able to be in it long term and not feel the bars of the cage. It is now time to start to get into the suit. I put my knees in the two legs and start to pull the suit up. When it gets over my ass I stop, apply a lot of lube to the inside of the sheath, then I insert it into my ass. I have always wanted to try anal play with my wife but I have not been brave enough to bring it up because I don’t want her to think it makes me gay etc. After it is in place I thread some string through the pull of the zipper, that will come in to play in a bit. I continued to pull the suit up my chest. Then I made sure my chastity cage and balls was outside of the opening. As this is my last chance to use my hands I got remotely operated vibrating dog tail butt plug, I have left the remote in the tent of my wife’s pillow. Next I pulled up the zipper as far as I could before having my arms in place. I then grabbed the string in my mouth being sure to bite down on both ends. I folded my arms and placed them in the sleeves. Now the hard part was to pull on the string so I could get the zipper all the way up by myself. It took a lot of time and many pulls of the string but once I felt the collar of the suit close I let one of the strings fall out of my mouth, then pulled the other string until it came off the zipper. Now I was stuck in the suit until someone, hopefully my wife, found me.
I had a go at writing a story and it is actually quite difficult. I enjoyed this set up so I would like to read some more of what happens next. This could go anywhere the wife wants it to go.
Agree with Jasmic, enjoyed the set up and am looking forward to seeing where the Mistress takes this journey!

Could be interesting twist if he is "found" before She gets there...
I also thought it could be interesting if he didn't manage to turn up for work the next week as the Mistress was enjoying herself too much! :spank:
I also thought it could be interesting if he didn't manage to turn up for work the next week as the Mistress was enjoying herself too much! :spank:

That would work quite well too... or maybe combine both our ideas,, found before she gets there, and she is "educated" by the new owner (finders, keepers)
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Sounds good. I don't get much time to write in private so it may be a while. But I will try and keep going with what is in my mind. Maybe if your into it just watch the thread?

I also thought about someone finding me but we will see what happens as I go. Thanks for the suggestions and feel free to give as many as you won't but don't be upset if I don't use it, even if it would have worked out better ;-)
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For now this is part 2. Please excuse the crappy punctuation and spelling. I hope it all makes sense and you enjoy it.

I AM NOW CHAINED to a steak in the ground with a think collar locked around my neck. I am locked inside a black latex dog suit and have a butt plug dog tail sticking out of my ass. My dick is locked up in a chastity cage that I cannot get off until my wife decides she wants to use it for her pleasure. I decide to practice walking in the suit. I am limited by my 20 foot chain but I crawled seeing how far I could get to things in the camp. First I went to the tent I set up for my wife I could only get about 3 feet from the door, which was perfect. I could go to the far side of the fire pit and after walking around my truck I only had about 5 feet of chain of the other side of the truck.

As I was walking I could feel the tail swing and it made me aware of the butt plug. This plus just the thought of being stuck as a dog until my wife came made my penis try to expand in the cage. The cage was tight so there was not enough room for me to even get a full erection. After learning to walk I was hot and needed a drink. It was dusk anyway so I decided to go into my cage and settle in for the night. After crawling inside and turning around (not and easy process) I pulled a rope with my teech that was attached to the door and heard a loud CLIK! Now I was stuck inside my prison until my wife decided to let me out. I needed a drink do I lined up my mouth with the dildo. I was horny and knew I was alone so for my first time testing it out I decided to pretend it was my dick and suck it like I would want her to suck my dick. First I stuck my tongue out and ran it lightly around the head, then slowly applied suction while allowing it to slip deeper into my mouth. When It was about half way into my mouth I stopped and moved my tongue around enjoying the feeling of it in my mouth. Then after building up the saliva I began to take it deeper into my mouth. As it slipped into the entry of my throat I started to gag and gave up for now. I pulled my mouth back to the half way point and bit down on the dildo and sucked. The water flowed slowly and I had to suck fairly hard to get any amount of water.

Now that I was hydrated I had nothing else to do as darkness set it. I was thankful there was a light breeze to help evaporate the sweat on my head. I tried to sit down but was quickly reminded I had a butt plug attached to my tail as it was shoved in a little too deep and caused a flash of pain in my ass. I decided to lay down instead and even that took some careful maneuvering so I would not pinch my balls between the floor and chastity cage. I quickly got bored and wished I had not locked myself in the cage so soon. I decided to practice giving a blow job again. After a lot of gagging, saliva, and tears I was able to get the entire dildo into my mouth and my nose was sticking outside of the cage above the mount for my watering penis. When I was finally done practicing I pulled my throat and mouth off the dildo and large strings of saliva hung down from mouth. I was unable to get them off so I just let them hang freely as I decided to lay down and go to bed for the night.

I slept uncomfortably off and one, switching from my stomach to my side. I was also woken up several time from a slight pain of my penis trying to expand in the cage thanks to my sexy dreams of my wife fully accepting her new role as my Mistress.

It was still early morning when I heard a car approaching, I was a little worried as I figured my wife would not have got up early enough to be here yet. As I watched the car approach I knew it was not my wife and I started to get worried and nervous, strangely the closer the car got the more my penis tried to expand. As I prayed the car would keep going I saw it come to a screeching halt on the dirt road, apparently they have spotted the dog in the cage. Slowly 3 young college age girls got out of the car and approached my cage. As they got closer they covered their mouth in amazement.

One of them realized what kind of suit I was in. I wondered if she secretly enjoyed some puppy play stuff online, how else would she know it was called a bitch suit? She called the other girls over and they circled the cage like sharks circling their prey. After they circled a couple of times they got braver and started to reach into the cage. First they played with my tail wondering how it was attached, they began to pull at it and quickly realized it was being held by my sphincter. That made them start laughing and making fun of me. They would flick the tail sending sensations through my ass. Then one of the girls noticed the dildo watering device. They started to ask me if I was gay, why else would I have shove something up my ass and force myself to suck on a dildo? I tried to explain but I was so nervous that I kept stumbling over my explanation, then the noticed my chastity cage! They were wondering what it was when the girl that I think was kinky explained it to them. Here I was in front of 3 beautiful women and they were talking about my chastity cage and what I must want like I was not even there. One of the girls wanted to see the cage in action and began to strip right in front of me. I asked her to stop because my wife will be here in a few hours. They took that as an invitation to stay knowing they had some time to play. As the kinky girl began to strip another one went and got a large sleeping bag and a small duffle bag.

The now naked girl laid out the sleeping bag right in front of my dog cage, she was tall had C cups I would guess, well toned body and she looked strong. She had really short brown hair almost a buzz cut except for her bangs. The other 2 girls were very small and petite like my wife, with small A or B cup breasts. One had blond shoulder length hair and the other was long curley and deep red.

The Red haired girl grabbed the duffle bag and put it on top of my cage so she could pull out what she wanted from it. I could not see what she pulled out but she walked over to the naked blond girl and I heard a click, when she moved out of the way she was wearing a black leather posture collar! It turns out the one I thought was kinky was the slave of the red head. My penis started to hurt as it was really trying to get hard. I was stuck in my latex suit without the use of my hands or legs and there was no way for me to relive the sexual tension, I could not even see my penis. The red haired girl (Little red was the nick name I gave her because she was so small and petite) then came back to the bag and pulled out a few more things. The first thing I saw was a camera, she explained that if I did not comply with her she would take my picture and post them online and all over town.

“please don’t do this” I said “I really love my wife and just wanted her to know some of my fantasies, I have no desire to be with another women I just want my wife to love me the way I am”

“you have nothing to worry about, we will not make you do anything to us sexually you just have to comply and watch us have some fun” she explained. “ I have been a dominant lesbian for a long time, but I always wanted to keep a man as a pet and have control over him, even though he could easily overpower me. So now that you are locked up I can do whatever I want and you cannot overpower me.”

Little Red then told me to try and sit up in the cage. She reached through the bars of the cage on the top and ordered me to open my mouth as she placed a Jennings gag into my mouth, but this gag was modified and had a strap running around my head that she strapped on tight. Now I can’t open or close my mouth anymore as she has opened it to my limit. Next she got a device that she put on the middle of my nose screwing it tight so she knows it will not come off but also making sure I am not hurt. She clipped a small chain onto the D-ring hanging from it. She ordered me to place the tip of the dildo into my mouth. She then grabbed the chain and wrapped it around the cage bar several times until it was tight.

I could not pull back at all to take my mouth off the dildo, I could only make it go deeper to release the pressure on my new “nose hook”. Because the dildo was in my mouth and I could not remove it I was forced to look straight ahead.

Then the slave girl crawled over to the blond and began to strip her of all her cloths. I was shocked to see that the blond was totally naked except for a chastity belt! Then Little Red took her cloths off and began to put on a strap on. She turned and walked toward me in the cage. Her dildo was slightly above the one in my mouth she slowly bent down and whispered in “ I bet you would love to have this in your mouth… or better yet your ass!! Then laughed and turned away.

The blond was then told to lay on the sleeping bag. Little red got one more dildo and attached it to the front of the chastity belt of the other girl. The 3 girls began to go at it and have several orgasms, or the 2 not in chastity anyway. I was forced to watch them fuck one another as I sucked the dildo further into my throat the more I got turned on. The girls took turns pleasing each other and lastly Little red sat on the blonds face while the girl in chastity fucked her. When they were all done the 2 slaves started packing up. Little red then came to me and whispered, “Now you will know what it is like to be stuffed at both ends”

She then shortened my nose chain pulling most of the dildo into my mouth so I could not pull back and would be stuck with my whole mouth stuffed with the dildo. Then Little Red walked around me and I felt her tug at my tail plug. By being stuffed on the dildo took up almost the whole cage width wise. That left her easy access to bend down and slowly slide her dildo into my ass. Commenting she said “ooh you have a sheath that will make it much cleaner for me to fuck you with no mess”.

This is the first time I have had anyone put something into my ass. Thankfully there was no pain because the tail plug has been in there for a few hours. But the sensation was amazing feeling something I had no control over force its way into my ass. Strangely as much as I enjoyed the feeling I noticed my penis start to shrink, not get harder like I thought it would!! As she started to go faster and harder it forced me to go deeper on the dildo and I was often gagging as it was slammed down my throat from the force of her slamming her dildo into my ass.

After she had her fun and her slaves had cleaned up, but remaining naked, she slowly pulled her dildo out of my ass replacing it with my tail and pushing it in hard. She ordered the girl in chastity to kneel in front of me and to clean her strap-on using her mouth only, that way I will see what it takes to please a cock. She started by sticking her tongue out and slowly teasing the head. Eventually taking it deeper bobbing on the dildo going deeper and deeper each time until it eventually was down her throat and she kept it there for about a minute, looking me in the eyes as she started to tear up. She pulled back and gasped deeply as a line of saliva streaked from the dildo to her mouth. Then she continued to pull the dildo almost out all the way then slammed it as deep as she could. I started to deep throat the dildo in my mouth in unison with the slaves movements on her Mistresses dildo.

When they were done the two slaves got in the car, still naked and Little red bent down and said, “the nose rind and gag are my gift to your wife….make her proud”

I started to protest but with a dildo in your mouth and not being able to move my mouth she just laughed and said “no need to thank me, have a good week” and turned as I watched her firm ass walk back toward the car, I noticed her inner thigh was very wet as she walked away.

After they left I guessed I would be stuck her with the dildo in my mouth unable to even get a drink until my wife came, hopefully within an hour or two!