*hugs* Sounds like things have been quickly going out of control. Sorry i haven't sent anything been wrapped up in my own depression. Think it is this time of year. Here is my hopes that it will get better. Sometimes so things can be overwhelming at the time. Sounds like you now have a way of moving forward, the whole 5 fantasies is a wonderful idea. The only thing I can really comment on is the whole safe word thing you mentioned way back in an earlier post. That actually might have been the lead up to the problem. I know from experience I have not safe worded out of a scene in the past because I was too worried of letting my Dom down. In the end I ended up hurt and caused more problems than solved. Guess that is the problem knowing when to balance truly hurtful things and things you don't want to do. Safe words shouldn't be abused but there is a reason they are there and if Charlotte is truly uncomfortable with something pet should use it. This doesn't mean anytime pet doesn't want to do something, but when maybe there needs to be a discussion before continuing on with the act that you all are involved in. I know it is a great way to completely ruin a mood, but if it manages to clear up the issues then it saves a lot of emotional problems later on.
To tell you the truth the whole i have gathered from reading is pet is attempting to top from the bottom. Something that never works, hopefully you all can come to a resolution. I don't think discipline will help, it may make more of a problem actually. It sounds as if pet needs to get his head straight, and actually talk about what upset him. since something obviously did, and it sounds as if he maybe should have safe worded and didn't and now is in the middle of subbie ping pong with himself. Blaming himself then you, then himself again. It is a vicious cycle, and even picking up on how upset he has made you probably causes the self recriminations to become more crazy and absurd.:happy0057: It is amazing what the mind can put on through. All I know is that none of this is your fault or his really. That is the problem with emotions and brains they tend to completely interpret things differently. Hope it gets better and don't give up. *hugs*