penis size debate

hmmm penis size probably the greatest debate in the world. As a woman, and a woman who has had more than her share of partners(if your nice I might actually tell you my number), size doesn't mean anything if they don't know how to use it. I will say had one lover who was large, painfully large and not the good kind of pain, and because of that he was very good at using it and giving lots of pleasure but there was no just hammering away with him. I can remember in my younger days going to the club and rubbing up against guys to find the biggest guy there to take home. Though they often were disappointments.

But I prefer girth over length, but since I rarely have vaginal orgasms, and prefer clitoral stimulation suppose size has never been a big deal. Though will say I was shocked the one time, when I was still dancing for my supper, met a guy who complained his wife never wanted to have sex with him. Since he was reasonably attractive couldn't understand why. Though when he wanted to play with himself while I danced for him I found out why we are talking masturbation with 2 fingers here. Kinda felt bad for the guy especially since his wife was pregnant and I had certain doubts if he was the one who knocked her up. :interrogation:

I suppose there is too small, but other than that have not met someone who was too small that I have slept with. I have had bad partners but that was more cause they liked to rut around in the dark. *sigh* I prefer someone who can actually use their penis to be more than adequate. But learned it helps to be with someone for a while since well finding lots of buttons I didn't know I had, thanks J. Guess I will say for myself I am more likely to be turned off by 9 inches than to be turned on, sorry guys. Though a nice 6 1/2 to 7 inches is perfect particularlly if it is in frilly satin and begging to be teased.

lol though since I suspect this is all a tongue in cheek joke suppose i just left one hell of a long post for nothing.:party0028:
Hmmm – after reading about the size i am more and more convinced that, for my small size, it is best to be locked up all time and use my tongue and mouth…:licking::licking:
Size, hell. If they know how to use it I am excited. Had the really big guy who fumbled around like a lost puppy and the smaller guy who went to work like he had a day to live. Take the smaller guy every time in this case.

Now I will have to agree with pachastity, I love a man who an use his mouth! This can make up for a lot. :happy0030:
It is interesting what the Mistresses have said above. "Technique over size". And of course, clitoral stimulation is better than penetration for most women.
And maybe for this site, how we dont use our penis and how we use our tongues may be more important.

The chart above is erroneous in girth. 7 inch girth and length would be a large tin of spam.

In the article I posted, I thought it was interesting that staff-measured differed from self measured. And most men are shorter when measured correctly. The average is between 5.1 and 5.9 inches.
95% of penises are between 4.2 and 7.5 inches.

Looking at the distribution graph you can see that 75% of penises are between 5 and 5.9 inches.

Now have a think about dildos. Dildos are often 6 or 6.5 inches. Now that is already bigger than 75%, 85% of all penises. 7.5 inch ones are bigger than 95% and if you get to 8 inches, forget penises there aint one in sight anywhere near.!23251||_40151_-1_10201_43048_10001_10201
That's a nice strap-on...Ann Summers encouraging women to fuck men I'm shocked. Anyway, the woman that wears that is already 1 inch bigger than the average man on the street.

Where do i fit in. I am average. a good 1 inch shorter in length than the Ann Summer's strap on too. Oh well.

keep up with the opinions,
I take pity on the man who thinks bigger is better when no matter how big it is, it all has to fit in a 3" CB cage....maybe he may start to think smaller is better?
richard, the 7 inches is circumference, which is about 2 1/4 inches in diameter. the best way to measure penis girth is using a tape measure to measure the circumference. then if you want to know the diameter you divide the circumference by pi...3.1415926. sorry, i'm an engineer.
Mmmmmmmm!!! very interesting and smacks of the truth from the size in reality point of view and the female preference point of view too....

I have been told in the past that I am large, at 7 inches and 5.5 inches round (new measurement taken the way described in the op) I have always just considered myself to be on the larger end of the average scale, Ma'am considers me on the larger end of average..lucky for me she considers average to be nice to see that I am where I thought I was LOL......:confused0068:

Regarding size preference....

We have gone lifestyle so it is a very considerable amount of time since I penetrated Ma'am, I'm used for my talented tongue and fingers :licking:(so Ma'am tells me) Her lovers are selected in part initially for the size of their cock, Ma'am is a size Queen and there is no apology made for that......However and it is a big however she freely admits that whilst she relishes a big cock, a long session and the feelings and ogasms that brings she'd not like it if I was huge and we were in a more conventional relationship, as she is so sore for so long's ideal a few times a month with plenty of tonge and finger inbetween.....

I'm very lucky I feel in that Ma'am in relation to love and emotional involvement is monogomous but in relation to sex is free and liberated taking on many lovers as and when it suits her.....In reverse Ma'am feels lucky I am chaste, a slave, a cuckold and couldn't be happier, the best of both worlds for her....for both of us....

Great post....:happy0158:
7" diameter I know the maths - it's pretty basic stuff thank you anyway.
that gives you a 2.2" diameter. I think that's pretty big.

I just think that chart is exaggerated and unrealistic. It comes from a website that is selling penis enlargement. So sorry, it is not a scientifically generated set of stats.

ChastityJohn, I think you are proof that even size is not important. You are lucky enough to be in the top 5% penis size bracket and it has been locked up and made unuseable. I think you are statement, even if your penis is big it isnt important when compared to your mistresses pussy.

BTW: I am also an engineer.

Going back to the chart for preference...again.

As it is preference from women surveyed rather than measured.

We find that the average penis size is just below adequate in the chart. That means 50% of all men's penises are too small.
I'm too tired to read any more data from it. And compare the 2 surveys.
But I guess it doesnt look good for the majority of penises. While a large portion fall in enjoyable category. Very few fall are satisfying or better.

So if that chart is correct most penises are not worth having. Including mine unfortunately.
To Lady Kismet's point about preferring girth over length, here's a slightly more scientific study (than the chart above) done at the University of Texas that supports that view:

Penis Girth Preferred Over Length

Dollyanne likes this study because all dollyanne really has is girth--think hockeypuck!

Curtsies and Huggs,
dollyanne said:
To Lady Kismet's point about preferring girth over length, here's a slightly more scientific study (than the chart above) done at the University of Texas that supports that view:

Penis Girth Preferred Over Length

Dollyanne likes this study because all dollyanne really has is girth--think hockeypuck!

Curtsies and Huggs,

lol hockey puck think you found the one Texan that would know what a hockey puck is *giggle* Though think if you talk to most women we have all probably had one lover where we went oh ouch that is not a good pain. Though as Anita Blake in the Laurel k. Hamilton books put it pain can be fun if your warmed up. And sometimes that extra bit of size can be fun when your warmed up right. Sorry shamless Anita Blake fan though mainly cause it is porn in book form *giggle* so can read it in public :p:love0070:
I am "very out" in the penis size chart - dont have length or girth so i am locked up in a new very small Steelworxx Revenge. Only 70 mm / 2,75" in length and 29 mm / 1,14" in dia. So again - working to be perfect with mouth, tongue, lips and all other feeling for pleasure Mistress/Goddess, KH, or Owner


  • penis_size_preference_chart1_redigerad-1.jpg
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This is an eternal issue which gets hashed over again and again. Nobody wants to come up on the short end of the stick (double pun intended). We men are told that it's what we do with our penis that counts, not its size. Some of us actually believe this and we become courageous hard working lovers who successfully satisfy our women. But lurking in the back of our minds is an insecurity based on comparisons of our own size with others. At five inches erect one fits nicely into the normal category. But it is still the case that most penises are larger! A person with an IQ of 85 fits into the "normal" category, but in comparison with the rest of the population he or she would be considered stupid, dumb or a retard. Men are by nature competitive. It starts with having to produce millions of sperm, who must compete with each other and the sperm of other men (occasionally) to see which one can hit the bulls eye and impregnate the egg. But even to get to this point we have to have competed with other men to "win" the female's attention. Big men can be more powerful and protective of their spouses and off spring and so they appear more attractive to women based on the point of view of human evolution. Big men tend to have big feet and hands, which can be seen by the woman, but they also tend to have big penises, which nowadays can not be readily seen by the woman. So, the woman may choose a big penis not just because it fits a sexual fantasy, but because it comes along with the package (pun intended).
It may seem like I'm changing the subject but when it comes to fetishes we men are really making the best of the world we have. Very few people can have enough sexual success in any form to truly fulfill the potential that is there (the maximum pleasure, both sensory and emotional). Accepting our fate of being a less desired mate and making a fetish out of it is a way to maximize pleasure even though we haven't achieved dominance and control over a fertile female. Thus the cuckold syndrome.
Most of us men remember a time in our lives when a girl we desired brushed us off and went for some loser with a dangerous, crude, arrogant or bullying attitude. For many women (girls really say 15 to 20 years old) this is their first choice in men, caused mostly by a blast of unpredictable hormones quite beyond their control. We young men see this and despair. Later, many women see the error of their ways, when it turns out that the dangerous guy really is dangerous or they find out that the nerds they brushed off are suddenly driving Jaguars. At this point some of us who have gone for the "its not the size it's how you use it routine" may get another shot at glory. We have studied female anatomy, orgasm and psychology etc and set to work winning a sexy partner who also has learned about this "how you use it" deal and is willing to give it a try. For a dedicated perv such as myself, the fetish becomes more successful than the "real" world. So I am just as likely to revel in the fact that my dick is inferior as I am to exploit the "how you use it" factor in vanilla sex. Prolonged sexual excitement through chastity and D/s, small penis humiliation (if you will) and other fetish angles already provide me with more sexual fulfillment than ordinary male penetrative orgasms ever did or ever could.
Interesting point Lady K makes about girth being more important and not climaxing through vaginal penetration.

Miss S really does cum through vaginal stimulation and I know (for a fact) her husband is very big. I am sure size makes a difference there
Lady_Kismet said:
Though as Anita Blake in the Laurel k. Hamilton books put it pain can be fun if your warmed up. And sometimes that extra bit of size can be fun when your warmed up right. Sorry shamless Anita Blake fan though mainly cause it is porn in book form *giggle* so can read it in public :p:love0070:

It has nothing to do with this thread, Lady Kismet, but dollyanne is looking for some new reading material and was wondering if You had any LKH books to recommend she could read. They sound interesting! Thanks!

My little cocky and me

My little cocky and me

Here's my 2 cents on this cock size thing for what it's worth. (And, like my cocky, I know it's not much, whether you take length or take girth.)

First, you should know my cocky is tiny--a full 4" at its purple-headed throbbing glorified best, maybe four and a quarter on a extraordinarily engorged day, 1" at rest.

And second, you should know I've been rejected by more than one pretty girl. My crimes: too fast, too small--no stretch, no stroke, no sex, no swirl, so they say.

Though some called me "chunky" at 5" around. Is that a compliment? Don't think so; think there I'm on shaky ground.

So, I tried romance--the wine, the candles, the music, the chatting, kissing, wooing, cooing, rubbing, holding, ear blowing Don Juan lover kind--and yes, it sometimes worked fine.

It opened them wide, it greased them with luck, but in the moment of truth things got fucked up.

No matter how hard I tried, my little cocky would slip and slide--no traction, no friction, no...well, no nothing, Jack.

They ached for more. Ached for a real cock to give them real stretching, real fullness, real penetration from missionary to cowgirl to doggie and back.

But me and my cocky, we couldn't do squat. No way, Jose. Throw away those condoms you bought--you won't need them today.

And technique--ha! I tried it all, not just in and out, but up and down, left and right, (press against that clitoris--give it all you've got!) fast and slow, hard and soft, round and round in circles, a regular Roto-Router alien crop-circle-in-the-dead-of-night.

Result: giggles, and yeah, some stretching that made me feel like a wiggly worm looking for ore in the sweaty walls of a gaping gold mine. Then more giggles. Then ennui. Then pushing me off. Let's see...then, "never mind, what's on TV?"

But all is not lost. Lucky, I'm kinda cucky, kinda subby, and I know who's boss. No fucky, but I do good oral, good sucky; I give good massage, good licky, good rubby. Yes, I cook, I clean, an all around--well almost--good subby hubby machine.

I know my purpose: to serve my woman, but in a different, non-intercourse way. "Non-intercourse"--words that choke me to say.

I know she has needs--the sexual kind, the raw lost-in-delirious-lust-fuck-me-deep-and-hard-until I orgasm kind.

But I can't give her what I ain't got. So, can I satisfy her? I think not.

She needs her lovers who thrust and stroke and stretch her juicy wide. I know that, and sometimes I watch; sometimes...well, sometimes I hide.

I'm not jealous Jake. It's just that the passion, the kissing, the whispering, the caressing, the cuddling...well, it's not always easy to take.

So, I dress like a sissy, pink bow, pink panties, a regular maid, to take orders, to serve, to prissy parade.

It makes it all better, her lovers like it too. Weird, they say, but don't worry, this sissy isn't going to hit you, not hard anyway. Couldn't catch you in those high-heel shoes that came from eBay.

And somehow, the pressure is less. No one expects you to fuck in a dress.

But lick...ha! That's another matter. A maid must clean, it's her job you see. So call me Licky, yeah, that's me. Licky, sucky, just no fucky. It's funny 'cause they laugh watching me--me stroking me, me feeding me--even better when I do it on TV for all to see.

My panties are wet, sticky spots you'd be embarrassed to see, as I bathe and shave and dress my beautiful wife for her lover-to-be. She's gorgeous in silk and heels and hose, her glistening lips, sinewy legs, and long hair flowing like my--no, make that his--soon bride-to-be. He gets the pink; she gets the rose from him, not me.

She is tops and I know my place--to love, to support, keep her warm, keep her safe.

So, the bottom line to this has to be: this is our life and we both are insane with white-hot love for our one, our only, and forever superior cuckolding wife--my little cucky and me.
at 6 1/2 - 7 i'm much better off at home pleasing Mistress with my mouth and tongue while chastized and locked. my excitement is not only pleasing Her but also serving diligently every day, in a set routine of household service. She wouldn't have it any other way!
If Lady Kismet expresses (tongue in cheek) that we simply need to use it or lose it - that we better explore the tongue for better purposes. Many responses here are quite good - (PT brings up good points). Lady Kismet also expresses no matter the size, as long as dressed in some good girlie clothing (or something to that effect).

What i posit is: Penile Inadequacy Anxiety Syndrome (PIAS), have it or not? Are we long sufferers from way back or is there evolution? i've never used a pump but sure have been in a cage. Does the cage (chastity) ultimately render size?

And ladylionz, yes - it's all about serving - and properly.
Miss D said:
Very cute dollyanne... And so appropriate too.


Thank You, Miss D! Dollyanne had to go back and correct her measurements. Since she wrote this, dolly has shrunk! With chastity, dolly may shrink even farther!

There is a lot of truth in this rhyming writeup--it is sort of like a sissy cuckold's lament! And, it partially explains why dollyanne has no choice but to be a sissy gurl and why dolly is such a good candidate for cuckolding. Dolly understands her gurly sexual inferiority to Real Men and what dollyanne is really good for. Though it is difficult to accept, You are correct that it is appropriate. Unfortunately, dollyanne really has no choice in the matter! No choice at all! And, it makes dolly blush when she thinks of the inescapable consequences!

After reading everyones posts I ask where do I stand? I'm 5.5 inches long, and 4.3 inches in diameter. My wife is not a size queen but still says that I have a small weiner. Does anyone else agree?
Well, I know where I stand in the rankings.

I'm completely fascinated by the whole penis size issue, for several reasons. First of all, it is something that obviously us guys have no control over. Men with huge cocks are just an accident of genetics. And yet penis size is fundamentally tied to our sense of self-worth, power, and virility. Being judged and critiqued for something so personal is thrilling to me specifically because of the unfairness of it. Unfairness is, after all, what a d/s relationship is based upon when you get right down to it.

I have an online friend who frequently fucks guys she meets online, and one of her prime criteria for selecting her guys is penis size. It's rather exciting to me to think that if my girlfriend was like that, I could get cuckolded by some stranger primarily because of this accident of genetics, despite everything I've worked for and accomplished in my life - PhD, good job, etc. - it all gets trumped by this one uncontrollable physical attribute.

I also think it's wonderful that being open and discussing the shortcomings of the man's cock and sexual abilities can and should ultimately result in more satisfying sexual experiences for the woman. This can happen in several ways. On one level, the woman can help her unfortunate partner recognize his own shortcomings and encourage him to pleasure her in other ways, for example using his fingers and mouth more often. Once the man has accepted his inability to give his partner the pleasure she deserves with his cock, he can also accept that she may need to seek pleasure either through artificial means like a vibrator or dildo or by fucking better endowed men that can give her what she needs. If the man loves his partner, he should encourage her to seek pleasure in whatever ways she wishes - to do otherwise would penalize her for his own inadequacies (in my humble opinion!)

Besides all that, my girlfriend and I just think it's freaking hot when she teases me about my little cock and gets on the computer to google image search "hung cute nude males". Maybe some things are just better left unanalyzed!
