Red Chili - London Tower (1st Serious Device, Need Help)


New member
May 18, 2016

I've been playing around with my CB6000 and have finally found the most comfortable setup between the cock ring size and the spacer. I can sleep at night and my balls don't sneak through. It is a TINY bit too wide and mildly noticeable while walking.

I am interested in the London Tower with the combo locking option. This has a hole for a regular padlock and another spot which uses their custom hex-styled screw and heart key. I really liked the dual security of this.

I have three questions, and have become a member as it seems their are a lot of knowledgeable and friendly folks here!

Q1.) Does anyone know what the difference between the option "Combo" and "Combo2" is? Both should be key+hex screw but I don't know why they have two options. [Note: No Escape is the option for just a lock hole.]

Q2.) Does anyone have experience with the "Airy Head" choice or something similar? I want as much open air, and ease for peeing as possible. My only concern was getting hard and my penis trying to smash through the left or right "open" side.

Q3.) This is related to sizing. I am going to post-up my CB6000 sizing information and what I think would be best to pick with the London Tower. Any input you have here is greatly appreciated! See the attached file.


P.S. Thank-you for any time or thought you put into this. It's my first serious device and I really want to enjoy and like it for years to cum (or not ;)) The main idea is the most comfort with 24/7 wear without balls sneaking through or being able to remove it (without great time and focus, anyways)



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I had a feeling this might have been a bit overwhelming. So, let me narrow it down to just my two biggest questions. Hopefully you'll might know! :)

-What is the difference between Red Chili's "Combo1" and "Combo2"?
-Those who chose bigger spacers/spacing, what size did you pick and do your balls slip through at all?


P.S. I tried contacting them on their website, and even Aken on here but no replies :( I know plenty of you out there have their devices though!
Sorry, I did read your original post (and yeah, quite a lot of data to take in!) but I have no experience with these devices. I just wanted to wish you luck and hope you get the information that you need.
For security the ring size and gap is the most important, but for comfort you then want the other dimensions to be as snug as possible. If you're happy with the ring fit of your CB6000 then try this to determine the best length of tube:
Just stuff something into the end of the tube to shorten it and and wear it for a day.
When you find a comfortable length... try it shorter!
@Jasmic68: Thank-you for the honest feedback, yea hopefully soon I'll have a real device. Comfortable and one that can keep me in line at times =D

@bondinchas: Ring Size + Gap is the part that deals with comfort the most I feel too, haha. So I'll probably try to keep that as close to CB6000 sizing than. As for shortening it, that's probably a good idea just to make sure it isn't too short. Don't want room to grow though really... Appreciate the feedback!
Hi JDoe!

I apologize for the time to answer something to you, we're close to the holidays and super busy to finish everything in time!

Firstly thanks for your interest in our devices, the London Tower is a very good choice for comfortable 24h wearing, mainly because of its amazing lightness.

So to answer your questions:

- The difference between "Combo 1&2" is just about discretion into the panties. After I made the Combo1, I thought it would be better to weld the fixation more back, using the gap between base ring and tube, to have less pin length going in the front. Hope you understand my english is awful :)

- The usual space people ask is 11 and 8mm, I think over 12/14mm it's too big for 80% of the people. The more thin at 6mm can be extreme, and just about 10/15% of my clients can wear it.

- Concerning the Airy head, I can put the space you want between the both vertical bars. I started first to make it pretty wide, thinking it would be better for standing-up pissing. But finally now I make it narrow, about 5mm because of the penis trying to smash through the middle, and not so much through the right or left part. And sit-pissing is part of chastity!:)

- Concerning measurements, if the CB ones are perfect for you, the same ones for a London Tower will be normally work. Just don't forget we measure our tubes lengths following the central axis of the curve (not the upper or lower part!). If you order it, don't worry we have time to discuss this again while waiting your turn, and can make possible changes.

Right now we normally don't take more orders because we're full, but if you do it, you will be delivered begin of August when I'll start again.

Thanks, kind regards, Aken.
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