Remote shockers?

thanks, but that one is not available yet. only other i see is 400. thinking of rigging one up out of a dog collar
rigging up a dog zapper is fairly easy. the tricky part is where to hide the reciever if you plan on wearing it with male street clothes. I haven't solved it yet myself.
you may want tocheck out the IUT-300. it is the slimmest adjustble dog collar I have seen.
am i correct that i would simply run wires from the leads to contact points that i can glue into my cb-3000?

i was thinking of putting the zapper in my pocket and running wires through a small hole. it will make taking my clothes of difficult. i guess it would also work to put electrical tape around the leads as the exit the zapper and then strap the whole thing to my thigh. that would allow easy on and off of the pants, keep the zap from being at my leg, etc.
One way to attach

Here's one way dollyanne has seen to attach a remote shocker:

shock collar.jpg shock collar in hand.jpg

Dollyanne hates pain and would not want to be on the receiving end of this! Dolly is not a sissy gurl for nothing!

Curtsies and Huggs,
But dollyanne - - - wouldn't your fear of the device make you behave exactly as you should? I think it might be quite helpful for you... I have to say - it does intrigue Me. Such Control....

Hello everyone. i have an Innotek that has a range of about a mile and have it set up with a lockable collar that prevents removal. It has 15 punishment settings from just a tingle, to a definite zap! i do not have pictures of it, and have quite a busy weekend ahead of me. i would be happy to take pics, i just don't know when i'll find the time to dig it out, get the camera out, set it up, take the pics, then the whole upload process. i will try though as soon as i can.

i had a Mistress a few years ago who LOVED it. She would zap me while i was standing in line at the cashiers or just walking through the mall. Certainly kept me on my best behaviour!

brianna :)
Miss D said:
But dollyanne - - - wouldn't your fear of the device make you behave exactly as you should? I think it might be quite helpful for you... I have to say - it does intrigue Me. Such Control....


Yes, it certainly would! In the right hands (or wrong hands, depending on your point of view), dollyanne would be like moldable clay--obedient, compliant, submissive, chaste, and as gurly as desired! Dolly would beg and plead and do everything she could to avoid getting shocked--everything! This and the dreamlover's product seem like perfect training aids to use on a sissy gurl!

However, they do frighten dollyanne, because they are sooo powerful, and dolly would have no choice but to comply with the Mistresses desires! Dolly would hope for a compassionate and wise Mistress!

I believe a visit to the estim website might be educational. They have a remote control box equipped with a motion sensor... could make corner time so much more *erm* shocking!
sbon123 said:
am i correct that i would simply run wires from the leads to contact points that i can glue into my cb-3000?

i was thinking of putting the zapper in my pocket and running wires through a small hole. it will make taking my clothes of difficult. i guess it would also work to put electrical tape around the leads as the exit the zapper and then strap the whole thing to my thigh. that would allow easy on and off of the pants, keep the zap from being at my leg, etc.

in short, yes.
Yes there are.

A way of modifying a remote control dog collar and connected to a cb3000 or whatever is or was (the site's been reorganised and I've not got round the new setup yet) in the modisgod pix on the Lock'n'keep site. I've got them somewhere and can post if you wish.


sbon123 said:
are there any currently available that work with a chastity device?
Now uploaded. For some reason the site wouldn't let me upload to the gallery - I got an error message that size too large or wrong sort, so I put it in my own. Also three other pix which don't connect with a cb, which you might like.
I'm not sure which manufacturer is in the modisgod pix, but there are quite a few manufacturers depending on where you are geographically. Innotek is one. There are a number of versions, with different ranges (Max 1-2 miles), and different numbers of 'intensity levels'.
knightservant said:
Nice. May one ask what the shocker is called and perhaps where one can order it from? Such devices are illegal to sell in the country... can't be evil to dogs.
Joroincharge said:
I'm not sure which manufacturer is in the modisgod pix, but there are quite a few manufacturers depending on where you are geographically. Innotek is one. There are a number of versions, with different ranges (Max 1-2 miles), and different numbers of 'intensity levels'.

his pics are of the generic cheapo version.

Innotek is a good economical brand to get, I have the ADV-300. the reciever is a bit large IMO for use in public.
I want to get the IUT300 since the reciever is much thinner, and the remote looks a bit more conventional for public usage.
I have never really thought about this topic before, shocking my slave into obedience like a dog. But I have been finding this thread surprisingly intriguing. I love the idea of being able to inflict pain with the push of a button. It's even better that he knows I can do it. I'm sure after a few shocks I'll only have to wave the remote in the air and he will be on his knees and begging to carry out my orders. So nice!

And I can imagine how this might be extremely effective in a public setting. We have used a remote control vibrating butt plug in public before. It was fun, but the range is short, and it didn't quite give the effect I'm looking for. I may check out that Innotek device. Looks very promising.

Could those of you who have experience with devices like that give me an idea about exactly how much "stimulation" they inflict? Is it like a tickle? Is it extremely painful?

So many possibilities.

Mistress Jenni
We have an E-Stim 302R which is a remote control shocker with several modes and shock wave variations. Mary's favorite is called training mode which starts with a slight gentle shock on the first correction/press of the remote, then with each additional correction it adds more, slightly stronger shocks one after the other. Very effective for keeping the wearer focused.
Then there is a variable threshold quiet mode which means the wearer better be quiet or receive a shock, and hope the phone does not ring.

It is a scary device to be hooked up to. With the CB3000 on we place one connetion on the scrotum and the other to an anal plug.

The device is about the size of a small digital camera and we put in a cigarette pack sized case that has belt loop slots. Easy to attach to the sub in any situation. I've been out in public with it attached many times. The remote is the size of a car key fob and operates up to about 100 ft away.

The price has gotten a bit high but here is the link:
Mistress Jenni said:
I have never really thought about this topic before, shocking my slave into obedience like a dog. But I have been finding this thread surprisingly intriguing. I love the idea of being able to inflict pain with the push of a button. It's even better that he knows I can do it. I'm sure after a few shocks I'll only have to wave the remote in the air and he will be on his knees and begging to carry out my orders. So nice!

And I can imagine how this might be extremely effective in a public setting. We have used a remote control vibrating butt plug in public before. It was fun, but the range is short, and it didn't quite give the effect I'm looking for. I may check out that Innotek device. Looks very promising.

Could those of you who have experience with devices like that give me an idea about exactly how much "stimulation" they inflict? Is it like a tickle? Is it extremely painful?

So many possibilities.

Mistress Jenni
on the innotek there are several levels. which have different feelings to them.
the placement, size, composition of the electrode also make a large difference. it can feel like anything from a pin prick on up.
my Lady enjoys using the erostek 302 with the remote. She delights in using that at the most inopportune times (for me that is). She will stand on the other side of the room, like at a gallery and wait till i talk with someone....then zap. i tell them that i have cramps as i explain why i am flinching. Then She laughs.

It can be set to any setting. We cant go higher than 45 or it becomes very painful (it goes up to 99). And you can vary the size and placement of electrodes. I have orders to put strips of copper inside my cb3000 so i know what is coming (well, not me it

And there is no off switch and we made a locking pouch so i can't unplug it. Once it is on i have no control.

Her favourite way to us the remote is if we are at a dinner with vanilla friends. She watches me squirm and often zaps me just as i am taking a bite or talking with someone.

All in all, a great addition to Her toys to torment.:happy0158:
Wow- I never thought that anyone would still be interested in that, but I'm glad to see there are others who are.

Here's what I wrote about it when I made it. Hope this helps...

"Posted - May 05 2007 : 15:54:48
HOW TO: Make a remote shocker add-on for CB-XXXX series
My wife would never let me spend the money to buy a neosteel. CB-3k is pretty secure for me. But the electro-trainer add-on for neosteel is something that I (and many others) would love to play with, but price is an issue. Eros-tek looks cool, but between three and six hundred, not an option. You would still need to purchase separate leads.

So, I decided to modify a remote control dog training shock collar and make my own.

I looked all over the net through forums, hoping to find someone who had already made one. Several people had worn them as collars, but not one post about adapting them for the balls, or to attach to a CB-X.

What I wanted was something that would meet these requirements:

Could be worn with or without the CB-3k

Could be locked on, preventing removal

needed to be waterproof

needed a good range

easy install/removal

I wanted her to be able to lock it on me for days or weeks at a time, if needed, without me being able to remove it. I had read about other remote control items, mostly with a 10' range, and needed something more. Also, it needed to be waterproof, if I was going to shower with it. The strap I wanted to hold it needed to also be waterproof. I didn't want it to soak up water from the shower.

The unit I choose was the PetSafe Deluxe Little Dog Remote Trainer PDLDT-305

I purchased the unit from a local Wal-mart for around $100. The unit has an antenna hidden inside the collar, which pulls out easily. I searched for something to use for the strap. At first, I decided to use a cat collar, but I kept thinking about the water soaking issue, and choose not to use that. I ended up using a vacuum cleaner belt, made out of rubber. I cut the belt, and positioned the reciever in the center of the belt. I cut 2 holes for the electrodes, and attached them to the belt. I then cut 3 holes in each end of the belt to allow for attaching and adjustment. At this point, it was ready to go.

My wife unlocked me, and we attached the unit. We started with the lowest setting, and slowly moved up to the highest. Most of the time she stays at level 4 out of 5.5.

The unit has a 75 yard range, so walls are no problem. I can be outside, and she can zap me from in the house.

It was fun for a little while, but then she learned that pushing a button was all she needed to make me get her a drink. I can see the evil in her eyes...

I also posted some pictures

SHOCK1 is a pic of the collar disassembled

SHOCK2 is the replacement belt laying next to the collar

SHOCK3 is how the new belt attaches to the receiver

SHOCK4 is the new unit completely assembled

SHOCK5 is the unit attached to a curve through the guide pins

SHOCK6 alternate view

SHOCK7 is the unit attached to a curve through the main locking pin

SHOCK8 is the remote

I think there is a more comfortable way to attach the unit. I have been looking around for materials. Any suggestions would be great.

There is an on/off button on the unit. I thought of sealing it with super glue,but what if the button turns off, how would I turn it on again? There is a tone button on the remote, so if the wearer turned the receiver off, the the 'Remote Holder' would know when they did not hear the tone.

There are other devices out there that have no on/off button. One unit is powered on by holding the remote next to the receiver. I thought that would be nice, but did not want to spend another $100 for that feature. Besides, I read some bad reviews on the net about it.

Anyway, happy Buzzing!"