Well, I have been redirected here Off to the vault because my intro thread was unraveling and got too long. Im Steve; a 51-year-old male married to April who is 53 and a cradle robber in anyone's book. This October with be our 25-year together and we are hoping for many more.
To give a brief re-cap of how we found our way here is as follows In 2005 I came down with a rare thyroid cancer, Hurthle Cell Carcinoma. I went through two surgeries and two rounds of radioactive iodine. I was declared healed in March of 2006. In the following months the symptoms started returning and we got stonewalled at the current hospital with them saying it was normal to feel that way.
We went off to get a second opinion and ended up at USC Medical Center. I bet you are wondering what the hell this has to do with tease, denial and chastity play arent you?
Long story short In the time between 2005 to 2006 when I was informed I had a clean bill of health my wife April started having extreme pain in her left hip. It turns out she had this odd birth defect were the ball on the top of her femur was more up right and placed about 100% of her weight on 15% of her hip socket.
So we were grounded from having normal penetrative sex We did nothing for about two months sex wise. For me it was out of concern for her and putting her health before my needs. We finely got to the breaking point and to let off a lot of stress I started giving her orgasms with sex toys, hand and oral. And on her part I got hand jobs.
After her hip replacement I get the news not only was I not cancer free, I had about 4 tumors in my neck and they were growing rapidly. So in May of 2007 they do the third surgery on my neck, removing the four tumors and a bunch of lymph nodes. After the surgery I was posed to go directly to external beam radiation treatments But all my doctors went on vacation and the referrals never got to my insurance company.
In the mean time I found two more masses in my neck. When everyone got back and talked it was the plan to go back to surgery before radiation. The surgeon refused and wanted them to do the radiation first. So we did that, 35 treatments all and it had no effect on the tumors! So it was back the forth surgery where they took out two more tumor and a bunch of lymph nodes The Surgeon wanted to get one more he thought was suspect but since it was in the upper part of my chest he blew it off.
I bet your still wondering what the hell does this have to do with T, D and chastity. Well, after all this stuff I have been through (wait! Theres more to come) and all the meds Im on I find that I can not reach orgasm through normal sex. So April and I keep exchanging orgasms by hand or toy As time went on she improved her methods and loved to take me to the edge and back time and again. I started looking into to T & D and thats when I came across the practice of chastity play.
I was very intrigued by the subject matter to say the least. With my performance problems due to heath reasons I was happy to get her all the orgasms she wanted and let my build. I was happy to have less if it meant the ones I did have were better.
The more I read the more I liked the chastity life style. Mind you we are not looking to go 24/7, as I would not like to get injured going to and from work and end up in an ER somewhere with everyone staring at my groin! Then cutting 200 bucks off my Johnson with bolt cutters. Or get caught in them at one of many doctors appointments and it may be a tad crazy to ride my dirt bike with one on.
Remember I said there was more medical stuff ahead. Well, it seems they found some nodules in my lungs in the Nov 07 CT Scan This past June 08 that did another CT Scan and found more new nodules. Having nodules in your lungs doesnt mean something bad is going on Its when they get bigger or more appear that the cancer red flag is raised again.
So between the June CT and about two weeks ago I seat down with April and tell her that I wanted to explore chastity play with her. It took awhile to get the guts up to ask her Almost as much when I asked her to marry me. And as luck would have it she said yes twice. Damn Im lucky!?
Soon after we ordered a CB3000. I did the research and liked that one the most. And while we waited (impatiently I might add) I checked for helpful hints and took note. While looking for this information I stumbled across this site and joined that day. Thanks for having this site
We tried it the first Friday night after it arrived. The tips I went with was use the largest ring, the shortest spacers and use oil based lube on the head and upper shaft. And no problems noted Slept in it that night and found nighttime erections/pain to not be an issue at all. It just felt like a firm grip on my cock (or is it hers now?) and Id just roll to either side and be back to sleep in no time.
When we got up that Saturday morning I gave April a good back rub, a lot of nipple attention and an orgasm with one of her glass dildos. I in return got some attention in other erroneous zones then my/her cock. And I loved it and leaked pre cum like crazy.
When I get home from work and a trip to USC for a lung function test April is going to put the CB3000 on me and then we will play, she will get and orgasm and Ill leak like crazy. I cleaned the kitchen floor today and plan to regrout it, seal it and clear it before next weekend. We are road tripping up the coast so I can show her the giant redwood trees.
I guess the bottom line to how we got her is that life indeed can be short and seem less then fair. So if you want to try something then try it. Dont go out of this life with a bunch of regrets about things you never tried. If your partner seems stand offish dont make a big deal out of it. I think what worked for us and the reason we are now doing this and the fact she is carrying the key around her neck is because I did not press, bitch or complain I sent her sites that explain the logic behind it and why it appealed to me. I also sat down with her and explained why I wanted to do this But only with her!
Take care all.
To give a brief re-cap of how we found our way here is as follows In 2005 I came down with a rare thyroid cancer, Hurthle Cell Carcinoma. I went through two surgeries and two rounds of radioactive iodine. I was declared healed in March of 2006. In the following months the symptoms started returning and we got stonewalled at the current hospital with them saying it was normal to feel that way.
We went off to get a second opinion and ended up at USC Medical Center. I bet you are wondering what the hell this has to do with tease, denial and chastity play arent you?
Long story short In the time between 2005 to 2006 when I was informed I had a clean bill of health my wife April started having extreme pain in her left hip. It turns out she had this odd birth defect were the ball on the top of her femur was more up right and placed about 100% of her weight on 15% of her hip socket.
So we were grounded from having normal penetrative sex We did nothing for about two months sex wise. For me it was out of concern for her and putting her health before my needs. We finely got to the breaking point and to let off a lot of stress I started giving her orgasms with sex toys, hand and oral. And on her part I got hand jobs.
After her hip replacement I get the news not only was I not cancer free, I had about 4 tumors in my neck and they were growing rapidly. So in May of 2007 they do the third surgery on my neck, removing the four tumors and a bunch of lymph nodes. After the surgery I was posed to go directly to external beam radiation treatments But all my doctors went on vacation and the referrals never got to my insurance company.
In the mean time I found two more masses in my neck. When everyone got back and talked it was the plan to go back to surgery before radiation. The surgeon refused and wanted them to do the radiation first. So we did that, 35 treatments all and it had no effect on the tumors! So it was back the forth surgery where they took out two more tumor and a bunch of lymph nodes The Surgeon wanted to get one more he thought was suspect but since it was in the upper part of my chest he blew it off.
I bet your still wondering what the hell does this have to do with T, D and chastity. Well, after all this stuff I have been through (wait! Theres more to come) and all the meds Im on I find that I can not reach orgasm through normal sex. So April and I keep exchanging orgasms by hand or toy As time went on she improved her methods and loved to take me to the edge and back time and again. I started looking into to T & D and thats when I came across the practice of chastity play.
I was very intrigued by the subject matter to say the least. With my performance problems due to heath reasons I was happy to get her all the orgasms she wanted and let my build. I was happy to have less if it meant the ones I did have were better.
The more I read the more I liked the chastity life style. Mind you we are not looking to go 24/7, as I would not like to get injured going to and from work and end up in an ER somewhere with everyone staring at my groin! Then cutting 200 bucks off my Johnson with bolt cutters. Or get caught in them at one of many doctors appointments and it may be a tad crazy to ride my dirt bike with one on.
Remember I said there was more medical stuff ahead. Well, it seems they found some nodules in my lungs in the Nov 07 CT Scan This past June 08 that did another CT Scan and found more new nodules. Having nodules in your lungs doesnt mean something bad is going on Its when they get bigger or more appear that the cancer red flag is raised again.
So between the June CT and about two weeks ago I seat down with April and tell her that I wanted to explore chastity play with her. It took awhile to get the guts up to ask her Almost as much when I asked her to marry me. And as luck would have it she said yes twice. Damn Im lucky!?
Soon after we ordered a CB3000. I did the research and liked that one the most. And while we waited (impatiently I might add) I checked for helpful hints and took note. While looking for this information I stumbled across this site and joined that day. Thanks for having this site
We tried it the first Friday night after it arrived. The tips I went with was use the largest ring, the shortest spacers and use oil based lube on the head and upper shaft. And no problems noted Slept in it that night and found nighttime erections/pain to not be an issue at all. It just felt like a firm grip on my cock (or is it hers now?) and Id just roll to either side and be back to sleep in no time.
When we got up that Saturday morning I gave April a good back rub, a lot of nipple attention and an orgasm with one of her glass dildos. I in return got some attention in other erroneous zones then my/her cock. And I loved it and leaked pre cum like crazy.
When I get home from work and a trip to USC for a lung function test April is going to put the CB3000 on me and then we will play, she will get and orgasm and Ill leak like crazy. I cleaned the kitchen floor today and plan to regrout it, seal it and clear it before next weekend. We are road tripping up the coast so I can show her the giant redwood trees.
I guess the bottom line to how we got her is that life indeed can be short and seem less then fair. So if you want to try something then try it. Dont go out of this life with a bunch of regrets about things you never tried. If your partner seems stand offish dont make a big deal out of it. I think what worked for us and the reason we are now doing this and the fact she is carrying the key around her neck is because I did not press, bitch or complain I sent her sites that explain the logic behind it and why it appealed to me. I also sat down with her and explained why I wanted to do this But only with her!
Take care all.