Evolving Dynamic

Discussion in 'Female led relationships' started by allaboutHer, Dec 13, 2015.

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  1. allaboutHer

    allaboutHer Long term member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Hello All.

    Not sure if I am posting this in the right forum, but since the ladies in our lives are or should be on a pedestal I chose this location to talk about some recent feelings and developments. I have been requesting for the longest time that I wished my close to the vest and tight lipped Wife/Mistress/Keyholder open up more and communicate her thoughts and feelings about the evolving dynamic between us. Without rehashing (you can search up other posts of mine) unending chastity and an absence of orgasms for me have become the norm for quite some time now. Our relationship has shifted to more of an FLR and our roles outside the bedroom (as well as inside it) are rather reversed, but not glaringly obvious to other men or women. I am still and always will be, and always want to be "all man" able to feel free to pursue manly pursuits when it is respectful and considerate of her time needs. She gives me that and I truly appreciate that. She lets me know if I am pushing it.
    So we FINALLY had a little talk about the dynamic itself. I have been unsuccessfully fighting the pull and allure of the fetishes she knows just buckle my knees...to the point I am past where I was
    a year or 2 into chastity play almost 10 years ago...a point where she blanched and was afraid I might want to be a full time crossdresser, or that I was not into women...neither being the case. I have been deathly afraid she was a time bomb ready to explode and that our harmony would come crashing down. She informed me that people evolve and that perhaps she has evolved and is enjoying what we have going on and that I should feel free to GRADUALLY let myself go and stop fighting my fetishes and share them with her (no, no desire to be Caitlin Jenner or a 24/7 sissy...not my "thing") and that she would let me know if I was too far afoot. I felt better...I could feel my already boundless love for her deepen. We were then later talking about things to be done and I said, "That's why we have wives!" to which she replied, "I need a wife then." which being the pig I am turned me on. The conversation was interrupted and I texted her later and said "You said you need a wife...well, I think I try to do my part as a 'wife' in and out of the bedroom pretty well to point, but will gladly try to improve and expand upon my role". She responded with a simple, "Get to it then." with a heart-in-eyes smiley. Yet another comment that makes me think that she is latently bi and is gradually hoping to mold me into a hybridized creature that satisfies a burning, latent desire within her which she has no desire to verbalize while still keeping the "maleness" she likes. She is not into the rugged type...never has been. Anyway, I was surprised by her comment. She has said to me that she should not have to tell me all of her wants and needs
    and that it is my job to figure them out and satisfy them. As much as her ambiguity frustrates and worries me (that I will do something which will modify her), it turns me on as well. Anyway, I had to get this off of my chest. If there is anybody out there female or male that shares similar feelings with us I would truly appreciate comment. ...and so the dynamic does seem to be evolving...I told her I will know if and when SHE physically pushes me forward into something deeper or newer that only then will I know for sure that she is truly engaged in this....sigh...the unknown.


    ...thanks for listening.
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