Hi there, hope you can advise me. My husband and I have been together and 'playing' for many years but only recently have been trying out chastity. It seems to go the same way everytime : he's very good and does as I say for the first few days. After a few days i notice these looks he gives me like a sad puppy. He still does as i say but it's obviously because it's not 'sexy' enough for him. I.e I'm supposed to be punishing him in interesting ways all the time, he makes comments like 'you probably won't do anything about it anyway'. He doesn't realise this has a detrimental effect because as soon as he does that I feel like he doesn't deserve any of my time for making me feel guilty. I do dish out punishments etc and we always have a play session every Sunday without fail anyway I'm not sure what hes expecting all the time? This is all for him, not me. I see that I gain a lot like he does housework etc but I dont think I gain anything emotionally, in fact I'm generally sadder when hes in it than when hes not because it's so confusing for me. We have 3 children so it's hard for me to be 'in character" all the time, sometimes I just want to sit and chill after a hard day without the added job of 'got to be in character again'. Hes had the last few days off and I was planning a bit of a day of it today (just to keep him happy, not for me which is really missing the point) . I just told him to drop the kids off at school, he made a comment about how he'd get more done if he was at home and maybe I should take them. I told him fine but it kind of wasnt what I had in mind (I was going to put something sexy on, get the box ready etc) but i didn't want to tell him that. I wanted to surprise him. Anyway, hes taken them but only because I had to tell him what I was planning. And now I dont really feel like it at all because I'm upset. It's just so confusing for me. He admits that he is supposed to do as I wish no questions but this is how it always ends after no more than 2 weeks. He gets annoyed that I'm not sexy enough and I'm not constantly thinking of sexy things to do to him all the time, punishments etc. I get pissed off that I have to do that all the time when I'd really just like to chill some nights. We decide (he decides) its probably for the best if it comes off for now for a break, 2 weeks go by and we repeat the whole cycle again. Just wondered how everyone else copes? I'm so emotionally drained and stressed all the time, I'm starting to just go off him a bit now. We've been together for nearly 20 years, together since we were 15. I keep thinking maybe I dont want to be going through this for the rest of my life, does anyone ever feel like that? Is it really worth it for other doms out there?