This s@#£ has just started to get real

So I finished writing it up, and told my Mistress that she might want to wait till she has time before looking at them...So here they are:

Chasity contract for husband and wife.

This contract has been drawn up by the husband as an expression of his love, trust, respect and his full commitment to his wife. It is aimed at growing closer together and improve their marriage. For his own good, he is granting complete control over his sexual release and offers this freely to his wife, trusting her to manage his sexual needs for the benefit of both.

1. The husband will show respect, care for his wife, support her decisions, and place her needs above his.

2. The husband will wear a chastity device to prevent self-relief at all times, when not in the presence of the wife.

3. The husband is not to access the keys to the device, except for cleaning and in an emergency.

4. The husband will not ask to be released (though the wife may ask the husband to beg for more time in the cage).

5. The wife will make frequent random checks whilst the husband showers/bathes, to ensure he is behaving.

6. Only the wife can decide on release, and can change her mind, abandon release, ruin, deny or lock back up at any time, as a form of tease and denial. ("You asked for this. Be Careful What You Wish For!")

7. The husband may not come without permission.

8. Decisions on when the husband is allowed to come, or have a ruined orgasm will be based on what the wife believes is best for the relationship.

9. Unauthorised orgasm, even by accident is liable to punishment

10. The husband understands that failing any of her instructions he is liable to extended time locked up, and/or punishment as his wife sees fit.

11. The wife understands her husbands full commitment to her needs. And will use his desires to her advantage to make her life more comfortable.

12.The sexual needs of the wife are to come before the husband's.

13. The wife may choose to subject her husband to as much teasing or punishment as she feels necessary, in order to reinforce his place and dependence on her.

14. The husband will inform the wife of any problems regarding the wearing of the device.

15. The wife understands that longer periods of chastity are sometimes mentally and physically challenging, and will do her best to encourage and reassure the husband through those difficulties.

16. Only the wife may end or amend the contract.

17. The wife's word is final.


Signing of this contract by the husband automatically and instantly confers ownership to his wife under the terms and conditions as laid out in this contract.

Both parties need to have considered and be absolutely sure that they are willing and prepared to fulfill their obligations to each other as described within this contract before signing.
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Even if she rejects the rules formally, she may wish to treat some as guidelines. I think, or hope, that the wording is good encouragement for her to take control and for me to stop topping from the bottom. She will certainly use some as it suit's her, if I step out of line.

Mrs Jah has said she sometimes likes it when I beg to come out, so I wonder if that will be a sticking point. Perhaps an amendment.

4. The husband will not ask to be released (though the wife may ask the husband to beg for more time in the cage or beg for release whether she intends to unlock him or not).
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This morning we make love after I had worshipped her for a good while. Despite nearly coming before I even entered her, me too, as I was rubbing my head on her clit, I held out really well and concentrated on her. Eventually I could hold it no longer.and I was allowed to come. Some of my best work, or so I thought. Although Mrs Jah did enjoy herself (I actually thought she came at least once) she only edged and didn't complete. I'm guessing she has stuff on her mind. I said she should have "locked me back up".

This evening, after she came into the garden and kissed me passionately, I suggested I try again tonight. After an oily massage all over, I worshipped her for a long time, and she was really getting in to it. Again, I thought she came. Then I was released and we made love. However, she didn't quite make it again, and this time I was stopped a few minutes into the love-making. She allowed me to have one edge, as I looked at her beautiful naked body, before locking it up again. #Denied!

Talked about possibly having a Halloween party. I said:

"It would be good to celebrate the end of Lockober"

"Oh! Are you still thinking of doing that? I thought because of the problem with the new device, you weren't."

Oh yes, I still intend to"


She's getting a lot more comfortable denying me these days. And when I get to a week I don't want it to end. The first five days are the worst. Then I really want out for a bit sometimes fir play, but don't want to come, and I do want to come, but really I want to be denied longer. At 20 days (1 ruin between as I recall) I wanted to go longer.

I used to want to come at least as often as her, but in fact I got more. How the tables have turned. Now I want them less often. How we achieve that and give her what she needs, when she needs it is the challenge.

Not only do I have to master orgasm control, l also have to master controlling my orgasm, when I've been locked up for extended periods of time. There is no guarantee she will warm to the Vixskin method for piv when locked, though she hasn't ruled it out.
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With my subspace head on. I love ruined orgasms. Frustratisfying. And no subdrop. It's a win win situation for your lady. And deliciously hot too. Part of me wants her to mostly only allow ruined orgasms, and make a full one more rare. It's in her best interests after all...

So I was thinking about the maths.

If it takes me 4 to 5 days to get desperate just for an erection, and she let's me have a full orgasm once a week, she only gets 2 of 7 days of deep subspace out of me. How is that fair?

If it was two weeks, then she'll get 9 of 14, which is barely over half the time with a fully devoted husband.
Does that seem right?

Three weeks is 16 of 21 days is about 76% (did I do the maths right?) That's more like it.
But is that setting the bar too low?

Four weeks is 23 of 28 days which I think (please check?) Is around 82%. A reasonable goal, but if you asked your KH what percentage of time should you be allowed to be in subdrop?
What do you think she would say?

31 days (Seeing that Lockober is coming...I hope you will not be!) is just short of 84%. Starts to get difficult to make up those points now.

2 months is 55 of 60 now you are at 91.66% Should that be the goal?
Is that good enough for your Mistress?

Not until 100 days do you reach 95% of submissiveness. Is that proper dedication?

450 days without a full orgasm and you would be horny and dedicated 99% of the time. Which if you locked up today, would be 1st December 2022

Which would she choose?
With some extra teasing, which Mrs Jah has not often got time for, though she starting to get really fuckin' good at it, I think subdrop can be reduced to 3 days. Here is the maths

1 week 57%
2 Weeks 78%
3 weeks 85%
4 weeks 89%
31 days 90%
60 days 95%
100 days 97%
300 days 99% Which if you started today would be 4th July 2022.

I've written it up in the notebook...With a note saying: Before you turn the page. What percentage would you think be a good starting point, as the amount of time I should be totally focused on you, like I am after a week.

Write your answer here........%

Then turn over and see I your expectations are anywhere close to what you want.

Yes! Telling you this scares me a bit, but the twitching gives me away.

I was looking at Lockober captions and sent her this earlier.


J: Noooo!!:lockkey::love:
J: I would beg and beg, but still be grateful and thank you with all my heart. I love you so much. Xxx :love::love::love:

L: I love you tons, but if you not careful you will get yourself more than you can handle. Xxxx

J: I'm ready for whatever you want my love :D

And with that hot reply of warning, I think I've been brave writing down the stats, and seeing what happens.
New cage arrived from House of Denial £30. I got the curved 45mm ring and the medium cage. The link is below.


First impressions are that although the ring is 45mm, like my HTV4 (metal) it is smaller, though flaccid it is comfortable I will have to see how an attempted erection feels.

My wife was more interested than I thought she'd be, and said it looked small. Hehe! And she helped me put it on and locked it up for the first time.Thank you darling. She didn't think it would be any easier to keep clean, and I tend to agree. I think I will smell less, but it will need removing for a proper clean. Locktober came up. She is still not completely signed up, as she may still need sex during, and she hasn't the idea of me with a strapon vixskin. Not ruled it out, but she doesn't want to lose that connection.

The cage is narrower than the HT range, though the slot in the end seems quite big and could be smaller. My foreskin pokes out the end, but it does with the HT too, but it is small enough that I get some protection from rubbing the tip with my ballsack.

The length of the medium cage is probably equivalent to a small nano HT cage, but straight. Seems to be OK for the uncut The finish is nice, outside and in and I like the look of it.

It sits downwards and looks discrete under boxer trunks. I'm thinking that the next size up might have been better possibly, but it's a close call. At the moment, an hour and a half in, it feels a bit strange. Not pinching, but there are areas I'm aware of. The HT fit like a glove from the get go. So we'll see.
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Be warned, there is some topping from the bottom in today's installment. But that's where we are right now. Finding our way on our beautiful vanilla path.

Last night I licked her pussy for a long time, but in the end it wasn't her night, due to other factors .

I was left a little deflated.

We had a text, then chat, on the way to work to resolve some things, something along these lines, which went well"

"There is a big psychological difference in telling me:
"Stop, I want you to be more wanting, back in the cage" or
"You're not coming out for so long" compared to
"Stop, sorry I hoped to get into this, but I'm not".

We a more emotionally vulnerable when we play, and the latter is worth a conversation, but is better the next day, when emotions aren't heightened. I wasn't upset after, just a little deflated.

Surely the goal is to have me when you want, not feel pressure, but not leave me deflated either.

If done in the right way, I'm left feeling closer to you.
"I want you to lock up for me"
reinforces the feeling that I'm doing the right thing. That I'm doing this for you. That it's all about you. It makes me feel safe, loved, wanted and denied all at the same time.

Sorry to ramble. I know this only came up, because you were trying to get into it last night, and trying to please me.

I just don't want you to go too far down that path when you realise that it's not going to happen for you tonight, and I felt that you knew it wasn't happening for you, for quite a long time before you stopped me worshipping you.

If you don't want me to have guilt for feeling like I've pressured you, you have to stop me (nicely please) as soon as you know yourself.

I used to pressure you, and I know it was wrong, and it is now something I feel strongly against.

Thank you for this morning, it was wonderful. Truly wonderful.

It's about maintaining intimate feelings even when that intimacy doesn't lead to something physical. I love you my darling. "

She said she liked what I'd said, and took on board my suggestions.

So I've been in the new cage 24hrs. Now I've got a bit more used to it, I'm finding it very comfy,. The morning glory wasn't anymore uncomfortable than usual, perhaps better.

My wife gave me two choices this morning. In or out, she would play with me. But I was not to come. I chose out of course. I left the ring on, which intensified things, something you can't really do with the HTV4, as it is quite pointy when the cage is off and you have a hardon.

It was really nice just to have an erection. She oiled me up and it got quite intense, with the foreskin pulled right back and firm strokes I was writhing and edging but it was almost too intense and it's actually difficult to come. It feels amazing. And I know inside her it would be so incredible and over in a millisecond.

She tired, then allowed me to edge myself for two minutes. Then it felt a bit dangerous so I put on the cage and struggled to get it on (more on that). Then we spooned for a while before getting up.

She said the lock was a bit sharp, so this evening I rounded off the corners with a file. Then sitting forward in the shed filing I realised it was easier to align the cage sitting forward, as it pulls the penis back inside my body a bit .

Then went for a bath. It was interesting not having the key with me in the bathroom. It felt more real. If the first 24hrs in the new cage is anything to go by it might be my new favourite.

As we chatted on the drive home (handsfree) she explained we discussed more why she didn't get in the mood , which was medical,.and she probably wouldn't be right for a day or two.

"So I'm not coming out"

"No, maybe not till after my period, which is due about next Wednesday.....But you need the practice for Lockober"

OMG, I was straining in my new shiny cage, which I won't need to take off daily, like the HTv4.

That is a mindfuck in itself. I've been a pretty good boy over the last year. Only a few slip ups. However I have still had my own hand on her property pretty much every day. I have a bit more access to touch a tiny bit of it, but I can't give it a squeeze or a little stroke. Check it's working OK...

If Mrs Jah took it off weekly, and supervised....That's a game changer. The psychological effect is mesmerising.
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Was a bit of a wash out. The boys were a bloody nightmare, pushing all the wrong buttons. I got a stress headache and Mrs Jah was in a really bad mood.

Despite not coming for 6 days my subspace fell off a cliff. I was feeling pretty down and moody. It's weird going from a nice horny frustration to numb. It's like I suddenly develop temporary mild ED, because when I'm not feeling close in an emotional sense to my wife arousal is inhibited. It seems like my ability to be aroused is tied in with her approval in a way.

Mrs Jah let me out of my cage this morning and said I could have a ruin. My cock was so sensitive. Every small movement of her hand was exquisite. She tired toward the end and let me take over. I got close and she took over, me guiding her to my climax. "STOP!"

One stroke too many. I tried to squeeze it off but it was too late.

Kids were still being a real pain. But managed to get to the carboot.

I forgot to take off my round leather dog collar that I sleep in this morning, and we were walking around the carboot sale before I noticed and pointed it out to my wife. It's pretty subtle if you don't look too closely, mostly hidden under the collar of my Fatface top.

Just as we were about to leave I looked up to see a young, attractive Asian Muslim couple walking toward us. She looked at me, I saw her eyes narrow in on my neck. Then a lovely smile briefly crossed her lips as she looked up directly at me for a moment. I couldn't help smiling back as I quickly turned away.

Not really embarrassing as I think I enjoyed the thrill of it a little bit too much.

Before going for a shower I made a key turning sign in the air as the boys were in the same room.

"I don't know where it is" she said "But I might be up to inspect you"

Straining in my cage, at the sudden realisation that my thoughts of handling and cleaning my dick alone maybe a thing of the past.y plans thwarted. I cleaned and shaved then waited for my keyholder.

She came in and unlocked me, then sat down. In full view of her I removed the cage and soaped up, giving it a quick but thorough clean. She then said I should take off the ring, which was a little tricky due to my erection. I then soaped again and gave it a good clean. When I turned to wash off in the shower she said.

"I can't see what you are doing behind there?"

"My hands are in the air and I'm rinsing the soap off". The jets of water were also washing my cock. "Now I'm just rinsing my knob"

Then I turned back so she could see I was behaving.

"Put the ring back on"

I feed my balls through one at a time, she has got up and is right next to me, with the curtain pulled back.

"It's a bit tricky with you helping" I laughed, as I force my hardon through the ring and pull it all through.

I pushed the cage on and crushed my hardon into the steel bars of my cage. When I had lined up the cage and the ring Mrs Jah fed the lock into the slot, turned the key, and locked her property up.

After her massage this evening I was allowed to dry hump her for a while, imagining I was fucking her with a large faux cock over my cage. Then I was permitted to edge in the cage for a couple of minutes whilst cupping her boob and staring at her beautiful sleeping face.
It was 8 days locked until this morning.

The new cage means I'm able to keep clean without removal every day. Yesterday, after work, I was briefly released in the shower to clean, under Mrs Jah's watchful eyes. She instructed me to put it away then left me to do something for a few minutes. Holding my cage tight to the ring, with the lock holes lined up, waiting for her to return, knowing I was unlocked but couldn't touch it, added a different dimension that sent me deep into subspace.

We fumbled about after her massage a bit, and I was really edgy without much effort. She was trying to relax and get in to it, but in the end decided that it was time for sleep.

After a brief chat She held my cage and balls, and I told her of a game I'd thought up (maybe I saw it somewhere).

The idea is that she trys to make me convulse, and I try not to. If I fail, then the game ends and she removes her hand. It teaches control and really allows me to deeply relax. She was quite gentle and not really trying to end the game quickly, which I'm sure she could've done in an instant if she wished. I fell bissfully asleep in very little time.

So, this morning I begged to fuck her and got my wish. I licked her pussy for a little while before entering her. After eight days it was so sensitive. I came pretty quickly. After we got up, I asked her how it was. She laughed a little about how quick I'd been, and hoped I could have lasted a little bit longer, but she had a "little" orgasm.

I pushed my luck a little bit with a text asking her to choose between 2 vixskin's. "The Mustang" and "The Maverick"

Jah. Can I send you two links to vixskins. I would like you to choose one of them. One is about my size, at my strongest, the other slightly bigger (which excites me). From what I've learned, those that haven't got on with similar before think it's a completely different thing. I really would love you to keep an open mind and give it a go. Xxx
You may be surprised.

She said can we look together later. I think it might not be tonight, but I feel it is possibly on the table. I feel like it's something of real help if we are gonna get through Lockober.

I've sent her a few Lockober captions which she liked.

"For most men, Locktober starts in less than three weeks. For you...It may have started already"

"Your Chastiversary is only 19 days away and I was thinking we should celebrate your first year being locked in chastity.
We won't be unlocking you for sex because we will be observing Locktober at that time.
But maybe an orgasm for me and a spanking for you to commemorate the day."

This morning we ordered the Vixskin Mustang (Caramel) it is about my size at my biggest, maybe a tiny bit larger. We will see how it goes.

It's settled.

I will be a dalmatian and Mrs Jah shall be Cruella for our Mega Halloween Party. Rather fitting I feel, she can keep me on a leash, not the whole time, and maybe not at all. Nobody knows anything about our dynamic and I'm gonna be one horny dog by then. Let's hope I don't lose control and hump a witch's leg.

Tonight Aphrodite and Adonis made beautiful sweet naked love, after a lot of massage and worship until both came pretty much together. She may have done more than once, but a lady never tells.

After she had showered and we changed the bed, she asked kindly but firmly.

"Are you locked up yet"?

"I'm really sweaty and smelly, I need to shower,.and give it a good clean first"

"Do I need to supervise?"

"I think I can be trusted, after that I don't think I could if I tried"

I imagine she may keep me locked until the end of the month.

Then..... #Locktober
Although this was from a few weeks ago, a couple of guys commented on my teasing post, saying I was topping. My response was.....

We are both still finding our way with all if this. Without MY suggestions, without MY topping from the bottom, this wouldn't even be heading toward a more FLR type relationship, and I would be masturbating most days still and probably heading toward divorce.

Slowly but surely, as my wife gains confidence, she is taking more and more control which is the end goal, but not always where we are in the moment.

I know you mean well, but a "You are doing it all wrong" reply is myopic, and really unhelpful. If you want to analyse our dynamic, take a look at my pretty much warts and all journal. This is a journey and we can't expect to teleport to our destination in one second. Journey's take time. There are hills and vallies.

Our relationship is stronger, communication improved and improving, and I am able to discuss my fantasies, in a way I wasn't before.
What's wrong with that?
In the end it's her decision whether she does something or not. And, in my topping, I make that very clear to her. As time goes on she gets better at putting herself first, with my encouragement.

Chastity is not a one-way street for most people. If the sub (and I use that term loosely for me,.as I am more of a chaste knight to my queen) isn't getting something from it, then it's not going to work.

My wife wants me to point her in the right direction, show her the odd article. She doesn't go looking for advice on her own. Eventually we will get there.

Man does this sound like my situation. We are currently trying to find a happy medium between my trying to "top from the bottom" and her finding her feet in all of this. The hope is that at some point my wife/KH and I will find that balance, but right now we lean a little more towards me topping from the bottom, even if she has the keys.

Fucking hell man....Don't admit that here...The right on police will be on us by teatime.

I'm new enough I don't know yet. I'll claim ignorance. That and that it's my wife's and my life to live how we please! ;)

It takes time for her to adjust, and I'm the only person able to guide her on a path that neither really envisaged.

Knowing now, what I know about how my behaviour can change, for the better, if she really limits my orgasms.

And, taking in to consideration the reset time after orgasm.

If I'm honest with her, I should only be allowed a full orgasm every 3 to 4 weeks. Otherwise the amount of time in subspace, which is where she sees the most benefit, is too short compared to time not focused in her. (76-82% with a 5 day reset, 85-89% with 3 day extra teasing reset ) See my maths in my journal.£-has-just-started-to-get-real.42007/page-3#post-478424

Then it is a balancing act with how much of the more obedient me she wants, and how much penetrative sex she wants, with her goal of us coming together. Or is she willing to sacrifice some of that for other methods of getting off, whenever she wants to keep me enchanted.

I've said that I want to be in that subspace for her as much as possible, as that's what she deserves.

She is closer to understanding the full implications and benefits of longer denial. And, when she does process it properly, it's gonna be up to her to set the pace she wants. (She mostly does now) And the fact is that it I in her best interests to deny me for longer,.and even though I'm shooting myself in the nutsack, I owe her the truth.

I wish it were otherwise, I loved wanking, I was really very proficient at it. But I'm better off without.
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The Vixskin Mustang arrived. When I got out of the shower, my wife was plucking on the bed. I held it against my skin, just above the cage, letting it poke out through the towel wrapped around my waist. She flicked it with her finger.

"So this is your Locktober preparations ready then?"

"I'm still waiting for the harness to come from China"

I can't wait to faux her with her new cock-substitute. I wish the harness was here. I think it's in the UK, but not here soon enough.

Less than 6 days to go. I'm in a comfortable cage, that doesn't get smelly and I can clean well enough with it on.

My longest spell has been 20 days, and that was with a ruin in the middle, so I am under no delusion that it isn't going to be challenging, but I feel ready.

I'm looking forward to it in a nervous, first day of school, pit of the stomach kind of way.

Texted earlier
Jah - Do you wanna go for a pint tonight when I drop off for Basketball?

Mrs Jah - "Yeah"

Jah - And get back earlier to bed...For some snuggles????:lockkey::lock::love:

Mrs Jah - You wish :D

Jah - I'm begging not wishing. Well maybe both.
I showed Mrs Jah the contract in the pub. She read through it and said

"Most of it's on you"

"As it should be, I think it will help me to bother you less. Is there anything you would change?"


"You said most of it's on me. Do you want more responsibility"


"I thought you might say that" I laughed

We also had a good talk about how to deny me. She can easily deflate my subspace inadvertently and without realising it, and I explained that if she chooses her words carefully to halt my natural advances, not only will I stop, but be in the right headspace to enjoy the denial.

We also talked about how I'm sometimes too awake after her massage, and I don't want to wake her. I want to edge to help myself relax, but need permission to do so, but it's difficult to ask when she's asleep. She agreed to bear it in mind.

Still topping, but I feel that we are starting to get into a rhythm. The tables are turning.

I do wonder if the contract will help, though I'm optimistic after the response. It wasn't the big open back and forth I expected, but maybe I've read her better than I thought. She seemed happy to move forward with it. And I didn't get any negative feeling about the Vixskin.

What if she really loves it?

What if she likes it so much that she prefers it?

What if Mustang starts getting more pussy than me?

What if she likes it and wants the next size up and really makes me scared?
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After her massage I was told I'm not coming out tonight, it's best when she's firm, fair and clear. Then was given permission to play with my caged cock.

"Set a timer for yourself...Two minutes"

"OK, press start" I say handing my phone to her... "Did you start?"

"You told me to"

Damn I missed a few vital seconds! And start to jiggle the cage in a way that arouses me to an edge or two.

"15 seconds to go...No mistakes...OK?....6....3,2,1 Stop"

I stopped and thanked her. She is my everything. I am so lucky.
One of the reasons I quit posting here a couple years ago...the "you are doing it wrong" purists.

Pathetic isn't! The right way is what ever works for those concerned. There's topping from the bottom and helpful guidance. Not all women are naturally dominant and married people are mostly in a sharing partnership! Trust me the only thing you are doing wrong is taking any notice of people telling you your doing it wrong. It just deprives those of us who would like to hear your input! Mind you I don't blame you. Why put up with it if you don't have to. Enjoy!
Pathetic isn't! The right way is what ever works for those concerned. There's topping from the bottom and helpful guidance. Not all women are naturally dominant and married people are mostly in a sharing partnership! Trust me the only thing you are doing wrong is taking any notice of people telling you your doing it wrong. It just deprives those of us who would like to hear your input! Mind you I don't blame you. Why put up with it if you don't have to. Enjoy!

Thanks. I'm not taking much notice of the purists, just calling it out. They may, or may not be living the perfect FLR, we can all offer advice that is difficult to follow in our own lives. Or they might have a very enthusiastic domme who has really run with it from day one. Maybe they've been doing it so long they have forgotten what their own first year was like. There's topping and there's topping I guess. It depends what your motivation is as to whether it is coming from the right place. And if you actually read my journal, i think it is, and because this was in a different post I guess they haven't read it and it is easy to get the wrong impression I suppose. No hard feelings, I just felt it necessary to respond with my opinion.
This morning I was released for some piv. Then the youngest teenager got up.

"Back in the cage"

After a bit of an edge. It was tough getting it through the ring, and she thought I was taking too much pleasure from it.

I wasn't trying to, but there is a certain perverse pleasure from crushing a strong erection at the behest of your Queen, and having her insert the lock and vanish out the door with the key.

Feeling good.

Harness came. Maybe she'll want to try it out before Locktober. Maybe I should have been more careful what I wished for...
This morning I was let out to make love to HRH Mrs Jah, but before that I worshipped her for a while as she played with my family jewels. I love the taste of pussy for breakfast.

When I entered her, I almost came right away, but just held out. I went slowly and gently, but about a minute later I was on the edge again, unable to hold on and came. She tried to keep me going, pulling on my hips, but it slowly shrunk until it just popped out. She said it was nice, but it wasn't like I rocked her world this time.

I asked if I could model the Strapon Harness and the Vixskin Mustang for her, and she agreed.

The rubber rings that came with it were a bit small, but I had a slightly bigger one I had acquired from a plumber at some point years ago, that I'd used as a cock-ring. Need to get a stronger one, I think.

So I put it on for the first time, and I was unlocked.

"How does it feel with two Willie's?" My cock and balls go through a hole below the strapon attachment on the harness, giving the illusion of two cocks.

"Double penetration" I say with a smile. My spent, flaccid cock in one hand, and my other holding a fully erect Vixskin dildo.

"I don't have two vaginas you know!"

I smiled, knowing that is never going to be a thing for her

"It's bigger than you" she said.

I start to pump my cock with my hand a little bit, but can only get a little bigger straight after coming, though I'm excited by the thought of not measuring up to her new boyfriend.

"Glad we didn't go for the bigger one"

"Wanna try it out?" I say.

"We're saving it for Locktober"

I climb on top and rub the Mustang against her panties.

"It feels cold" she said.

"It needs to be sterilised first, and put in hot water, till it's a bit over body temperature"

"That might be nice"

I took it off and stored it in the wardrobe.

"Right...Lock it up"

Thank you my Queen.

I hope she comes so hard it scares us both. Now there's a really arousing thought. Will it be a dream come true for me, for her, for both of us. Where will it lead?
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Kids were out, and on the way back from the amenity tip. I was saying we shouldn't waste the time alone and we should make love.

"I said we weren't using it till Locktober" meaning the Vixskin

"That's not what I meant, I wasn't going to bring that up yet"

She had other plans. But we talked a bit about the upcoming Locktober in a few days. How I was nervous but looking forward to the challenge, and how we learn more about ourselves when we step out of our comfort zone.

Talked about ruins, but they are a bit dangerous at the moment, as we haven't perfected the technique. I would be disappointed, perhaps devastated to go too far and spoil the fun. She would be upset too, no doubt, after all the preparations financially, physically and mentally. Is it worth the risk?

I showered and shaved this evening and got as big as I could. Then I compared myself to the Mustang.

At a stretch I'm 1/2 inch smaller. Without straining it's an inch bigger than me, and a bit girthier. She was right as usual. I think I'm glad we didn't go for the next size up too! :)
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Was pretty horny last night despite not being denied for long, I think my body wants to empty before the 1st. I asked, well begged, if she wanted to make love last night "If you want" was the response, but I wasn't feeling that it was what she wanted really. She should have just said "Not tonight, I want you to wait", it leaves me a bit deflated if I know she's slipping back to agreeing because she thinks it's what I want. And the old me would have taken advantage of her kind nature.

When she woke in the morning, she said

"I think we should unlock you"

She was on top and I lasted a fair while, and then came so hard and deep. We cuddled for a while before getting up, the ring had been on all the time. I was still really hard. It took some effort to squash it in.
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So only 6 1/2 hours to go before the start of my longest lock-up. My Chastiversary is just round the corner, and I will be appropriately denied, and things just starting starting to really bite.

Last night I jiggled my cage at her and said what she usually says a few day before her TofM.

"Better get it while you can"

She laughed, and later that evening I worshipped her. I was really focused on her and her movements and breathing, and she was really enjoying herself. I was then allowed out and made love to her. Before I got close to coming, in a no nonsense, no guilt tone, she said.

"You have to stop now"

I asked, and was allowed to stay very still and deep inside her for a couple of minutes, which was a kind of delicious torture, before I was told to get back in the cage. I really wanted to offload, but I respected her more for denying me.

We were awake way too early, and she played with my caged cock for a while, then spanked me for waking her up. First with her hand, and then at least 10 hard smacks with the wooden spoon.

We snoozed until the alarm and snuggled while she teased me some more, before we got up.

We've been communicating pretty well, but she needs a break from my chastity chat, which hopefully will be helped with Locktober, and the new rules. I said I had purposely ramped it up for two days before Locktober, but will ease off now it's here.

She texted me earlier, saying she was looking forward to signing the contract, which she made no changes to. I have a feeling she might hold me to them as well.

I just hope I get an empty tonight before the clock strikes midnight, and I turn back from a footman into Bruno the dog.